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There was a moment's hesitation, then a minute or two of handshaking and backslapping as the two brothers both tried to speak at the same time. Anketam heard himself repeating: "Yessir! By heaven, it's good to see you! Real good!" And Russat was saying: "Same here, Ank! And, gee, you're looking great. I mean, real great! Tough as ever, eh, Ank?" "Yeah, sure, tough as ever. Sit down, boy. Memi!

"The family is surely getting together," remarked Dick, after another handshaking had been indulged in. "Songbird, do you warble as much as ever?" "You can wager a sweet potato he does," said George Granbury. "Nothing short of a cyclone will ever stop Songbird's warbling, eh, Songbird?"

It was pleasant thus to be introducing his country to the handshaking, so to speak, of the old established nations of the world. So his life glided on agreeably.

"Have you seen anything of the ladies?" queried Dick. "Yes, they are all in the ladies' parlor. I told them I'd keep a lookout for you." They made their way to the parlor, where a great handshaking took place. Mrs. Stanhope and Dora were there, and also Grace and Nellie with Mrs. Laning. The latter was not used to traveling and was in quite a flutter.

It was, of course, only a formal affair, the loss of the frigate being due to causes quite beyond our control, unless, indeed, we had chosen to run from the two French ships instead of fighting them, so it was soon over, and before noon we were all honourably acquitted, and our side-arms returned to us with much congratulatory handshaking on the part of the officers present.

It was clear that he had made the most favorable impression upon Seebrook and Walters; and in the cordial handshaking and expressions of hope for future meetings Archie joined with the best spirit he could muster. A cheery good-by caused him to look up. Miss Seebrook with a red rose in her hand waved to him from her window.

Some years later I saw him for the last time, one day after his lecture on Lincoln, in that city, when he came down from the platform to speak with some handshaking friends who gathered about him.

Then there was handshaking all around, and all the girls and boys tried to speak at once, to learn how the others had been since they had separated after the treasure hunt. "We'll have to look after our trunks," said Dora. "There they are," and she pointed to where they had been dumped on a truck. "I'll take care of the baggage," said Tom. "Just give me the checks."

Despite their resolution to be democratic they divided into two sets: the men with dress-clothes and the men without. Though he was, almost frankly, out for social conquest, he sought Paul Riesling first. He found him alone, neat and silent. Paul sighed, "I'm no good at this handshaking and 'well, look who's here' bunk." "Rats now, Paulibus, loosen up and be a mixer! Finest bunch of boys on earth!

And Denry shook hands. He looked brightly at the parents, but he could not look at Nellie; nor could she look at him; their handshaking was perfunctory. For months their playful intimacy had been in abeyance. "Good-bye." "Good luck." "Thanks. Good-bye." "Good-bye." The horrible bell continued to insist. "All non-passengers ashore! All ashore!"