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You have made my mother happy, as no one else could have done. No payment or reward could represent what I owe you," he answered. "But I am a paid companion," she protested, half-laughingly. "Money cannot buy a friend, nor pay her for her friendship," he said. "And please not to forget that I am enjoying myself as much as you are. It seems to me that I have never been young until now.

So long as he indulged her and never opposed her will, she was a most dutiful little daughter, but as soon as his wishes crossed hers she pouted and sulked. To her surprise, he made no objection to her accepting the invitation to the house party, except to say, half-laughingly, "Don't you think you are a little selfish to want to run off and leave me alone when I've scarcely seen you all winter?"

Anne's bo'swain and the mutinous crew of the Ste. Anne were marched aboard the St. Pierre. Then M. Radisson's plan became plain. The other ship was the better. M. de Radisson was determined that at least one crew should reach the bay. Besides, as he had half-laughingly insinuated, perhaps he knew better than Chouart Groseillers of the Ste. Anne how to manage mutinous pirates. Of the St.

The decision thus to act could not have been taken without the consent of Napoleon III. having first been had and obtained; and there is probably much truth in the story, that, when Lamoricière had the coolness to threaten his conquerors with the vengeance of the Emperor, they told him, half-laughingly, that, they had planned the campaign with that illustrious personage at Chambéry, which must have convinced him that the cause of the Keys had nothing to expect from France beyond the sort of police aid which General Goyon was affording to it in the name of his master.

Jane raised her eyes and said half-laughingly: 'I feel as if I was very childish, and that makes me feel it still more. Of course, if it's necessary, I'll do my best to talk to strangers. But they won't expect too much of me, at first? I mean, if they find me a little slow, they won't be impatient? 'You mustn't think that hard things are going to be asked of you.

But it seemed to her now that an intruder had entered the field a stranger before whom she was impelled to suddenly fly half-laughingly, half-affrightedly the anxious Dick following wonderingly at her mustang's heels, until she reached the gates of the hacienda, where she fell into a gravity and seriousness that made him wonder still more.

The little children look wistfully at each other every time they meet; then begin to smile, and at length approach, and join, half-timidly, half-laughingly, in each other's sports.

For answer they bared their knives and defied us to come on, yelling and striking at us with them. Mr Grey looked round at me half-laughingly. "Cheerful sort of prisoners to make. If we go close in, some of us will get knifed." "You can't go close," I said. "If I don't they'll drown," he cried; "and the captain will ask me what I've been about."

The nervous preoccupation and capricious ennui of an indulged child showed in her pretty but discontented face, and knit her curved eyebrows, and Peyton saw a look of pain pass over his wife's face as the young girl suddenly and half-laughingly broke away and fluttered off towards the old garden. Mrs. Peyton looked up and caught her husband's eye.

I broke off, and asked half-laughingly if I had offended him. "I deem you, señor," cried he, "the greatest benefactor that my cause and I have ever known. I shall feel myself standing to the chin in your debt, whatever your conditions may be." And with that I went on to the end of the yarn.