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Dutton, the captain, played a steady brilliant interfering game, and Kingdon, at right half-back, plunged through the guard-tackle holes time and again with the ball hugged to his stomach, and kept his feet in a manner truly marvelous until the last inch had been gained.

She smiled once widely to herself, over a thought of the half-back. The man here in the room with her now, chatting so pleasantly with her mother, wouldn't ask for favors would accept nothing that wasn't offered as eagerly as it was sought. It wasn't until he rose to go that she aroused herself and went with him into the hall.

He had rare ability in close tackling; used to get the ball away by clever heading, and was the most plucky young fellow to go to the assistance of a half-back one could see anywhere. His only defect and it was a very bad one consisted in getting up to an opponent and trying to take the ball away from him in the rear.

The world seems just a little topsy-turvy, and I am not quite sure whether to laugh or to cry. We got home at last somehow; and here I am sitting in my library trying to collect my faculties and to appreciate the honor which has been thrust upon me the honor of being the father of a famous half-back.

He is Bowler, the cock of the Fourth, who in the football match against Raveling a fortnight ago picked up the ball at half-back and ran clean through the enemy's ranks and got a touch-down, which Blunt himself acknowledged was as pretty a piece of running as he had seen in his time. Ever since then Bowler has been the idol of the lower school.

Poor lad, I met him twice in one season in matches with the Cedargrove, and it took all my master knew to prevent him from getting clean past the Conquerors' backs and scoring. Talking about Fred, I remember that player, in company with Johnny M'Phedran and James Wilton, going for big Thomas, who was then the Conquerors' captain, and played at half-back.

I feel as if I had been playing against a bunch of Bengal tigers. If we ever played again you'd probably trim the life out of us." "I'd like to meet that little chap who played left-half for you," said Norris. "I never quite saw his equal." Neil Durant called Teeny-bits, and the half-back shook hands with the captain of the Jefferson eleven.

To the half-back she attributed it to the month of March. "You're ridiculous, I'm ridiculous, he's ridiculous." That was about as well as she could put it. She and the half-back had walked about a hundred yards in silence. Now they were arriving at a point where the path forked. "You're elegant company this morning, I must say," he commented resentfully. Again she smiled.

The first was the other English half-back, a broad-shouldered, powerful fellow, who rushed at him; but Tom, without attempting to avoid him, lowered his head and drove at him full tilt with such violence that both men reeled back from the collision. Dimsdale recovered himself first, however, and got past before the other had time to seize him.

Coach Murray was the first to notice that everything was not quite right. When the practice was two thirds over he spoke to Teeny-bits. "Aren't you feeling fit?" he asked. "I'm all right," replied the half-back. "I'm afraid you've been working a little too hard," said the coach. "We'll call that enough for you to-day." Doctor Wells had a habit of conferring with Mr.