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"Joslyn, you're after Jones, 3d. M M Mackall, you come after Lawrence." "But you've put me after Joslyn," protested Gid. "He's never ahead of me." "Shut up," answered the Orderly. "I do the talking for this company. Russell, Scruggs, Skidmore; there, I've got 'em all down. Si, go down toward Co. A and find Bill Stiles and walk him up to the guard-tent and leave him there to cool off.

"There are two of them," said the half-dressed captain, pointing out Frank and his friend to the officer of the guard. In his excitement he would have had them hurried off at once to the guard-tent. But fortunately the colonel of the regiment, who had been writing late in his tent, heard the alarm, and was already on the spot. He regarded the prisoners by the light of the burning straw.

We marched our prisoners out past the batteries, they giving no heed to the direction we were going, evidently fancying we were taking them to the guard-tent, until arriving midway between the fort and the redoubts. Then somewhat of the truth seemed to dawn upon them, and this was so startling as to restore a portion of their befuddled senses.

"Your story will be tested," said the commanding officer, when Connal had been marched to the guard-tent. "Is there any truth in his?" "It is perfectly true, sir." "And the notorious Raffles has been alive all these years, and you are really he?" "I am, sir." "And what are you doing at the front?"

A very humorous incident occurred in regard to him, shortly after he had reached the Salisbury Plains. He had overstayed his leave one night, by a few hours, and was promptly taken in charge by the quarter-guard, who put him in the guard tent. There was much dismay in the guard-tent at daybreak when it was found that the prisoner had flown.

At a quarter to twelve the three adventurers, who had been keeping themselves awake by the exercise of great pains, satisfied themselves that the other occupants of the tent were asleep, and stole out. It was an excellent night for their purpose. There was no moon, and the stars were hidden by clouds. They crept silently towards the guard-tent. A dim figure loomed out of the blackness.

Private Jones also rose. He climbed out of the ditch, shook himself, looked round for his assailant, and, not finding him, hurried to the guard-tent to see what was happening. The guard-tent had disappeared. Private Jones' bewildered eye, rolling in a fine frenzy from heaven to earth, and from earth to heaven, in search of the missing edifice, found it at last in a tangled heap upon the ground.

"I shouldn't wonder," he said to Silver, two days later, "if you were right." Silver, who had not made any remark for the last five minutes, with the exception of abusive comments on the toughness of the meat which he was trying to carve with a blunt knife for the tent, asked for an explanation. "I mean about that row the other night." "What row?" "That guard-tent business." "Oh, that!

Governor Bradley again sent a company of State militia, with a Gatling gun, to Manchester where the trial was to be held. Baker was put in a guard-tent surrounded by a squad of soldiers. A hundred yards or so from this tent stood the unoccupied residence of the sheriff, at the foot of a wooded mountain.

But he only moved his grizzled head. "Did you know he was going to give you away?" he asked at length, with a jerk of it toward the guard-tent. "Yes, sir." "But you thought it worth while, did you?" "I thought it necessary, sir." The General paused, drumming on his table, making up his mind. Then his chin came up with the decision that we loved in him. "I shall sift all this," said he.