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"Bees is swarmin'!" said Ben, thrusting his head in at the kitchen door, and immediately disappearing again. "Bother the bees!" exclaimed Mrs Greenways crossly. But on Molly the news had a different effect. It was counted lucky to be present at the housing of a new swarm.

"Look here, Lilac," said Mrs Greenways carelessly, "you've been a good deal in the dairy lately, and you ought to have picked up a lot about it." "I can make the butter all myself, Aunt," replied Lilac, "without Molly touching it." "Well, I hope you're thankful for such a chance of learning," said Mrs Greenways; "not but what you're a good child enough, I've nothing to say against you.

The boy glared round at his victors, now all grouped at the door. "You beasly girls," he said. That is why "Greenways" should have hidden its shamed head in one of the mountain's tender mists instead of gaily smiling out at the world that morning.

There was Agnetta carrying the new parasol high in the air with all its lace fluttering. How gay and happy they all looked! Mrs Greenways stood nodding at the window. She had meant to go out to the gate, but Bella had checked her. "Lor', Ma," she said, "don't you come out with that great apron on you're a perfect guy."

"Lor', Greenways, don't worry the child," interrupted his wife, who had recovered her usual manner. "She knows her own mind, and I'm glad she's shown so much sense. You sit down and get your tea, Lilac, and let's be comfortable and no more about it." Lilac slipped into the empty place between the cobbler and Agnetta, rather abashed at so much notice. Agnetta pushed the pot of jam towards her.

There was such deep silence in the church that the lowest whisper would have been audible, and Mrs Leigh's voice was heard distinctly in the farthest corner, when she answered "Lilac." "Not that it matters," said Mrs Greenways on her way home afterwards, "what they call the poor little thing Lilac White, or White Lilac, or what you will, for she'll never rear it, never.

Why, I'd as soon trust the dairy to Peter's cat as Bella partikler now she's got that young Buckle in her head. She don't know cream from buttermilk." "Why, then, you must just leave the butter to Molly as usual, and let the girls see after the rest," said Mr Greenways soothingly. "Oh, it's no use talking like that," said his wife impatiently; "it's only aggravating to hear you.

Mrs Greenways did not disapprove of this, and though she lost no occasion of impressing upon Lilac her smallness and uselessness, she soon began to find her valuable in the house: it was a new thing to have someone there who was steady and thorough in her work, and might be depended on to do it without constant reproof.

"Well now," said Mrs Pinhorn, "I will say Lilac looks as peart and neat as a little bit of waxworks." "She wants colour, to my thinking," said Mrs Greenways, to whom this was addressed. The Greenways stood a little aloof from the general crowd, dressed with great elegance. Bella rather looked down on the whole affair.

"Then, as I said to Greenways this morning, `It's not a consistent act for your sister to name her child like that.