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For, in the course of a certain friendly gossip's narrative, it came out that that night the banker had been using the kitchen fire for the destruction of an accumulation of bank-notes, the common currency of Scotland, which had been judged altogether too dirty, or too much dilapidated, to be reissued.

"I'll uphold Master Moniplies to be neither reveller nor brawler, for if he liked such things, he might be visiting and junketing with the young folks about here in the neighbourhood, and he never dreams of it; and when I asked the young man to go as far as my gossip's, Dame Drinkwater, to taste a glass of aniseed, and a bit of the groaning cheese, for Dame Drinkwater has had twins, as I told your honour, sir, and I meant it quite civilly to the young man, but he chose to sit and keep house with John Christie; and I dare say there is a score of years between them, for your honour's servant looks scarce much older than I am.

"Yes, the sons and daughters of the serfs that he emancipated. It makes one sick to talk of them. Let me hear about yourself." "Well," answered Cartoner, "I have had nothing to eat since breakfast." "That is all you have to tell me about yourself?" "That is all." It was on every gossip's tongue in St. Petersburg that Jeliaboff had been arrested. "It is the beginning of the end," men said.

She was really striving to depict her own confusion of ideas when stunned by the discovery of Medenham's position, but she only succeeded in stringing together a series of ill-natured innuendoes. Sandwiched between each paragraph of the story were the true gossip's catchwords thus: "What was I to think?" "What would people say if they knew?"

"For substantial burgesses, unquestionably," said the youth; "or hold; you, master, may be a money broker, or a corn merchant; and this man a butcher, or grazier." "You have hit our capacities rarely," said the elder, smiling. "My business is indeed to trade in as much money as I can and my gossip's dealings are somewhat of kin to the butcher's.

Later events, still more inexplicable in their character, and yet unexplained, gave color to this story, and invested it with the elements of probability. As related, the old gossip's second intrusion upon the Aliens, in the capacity of nurse, furnished the town's-people with a few additional facts, as to the state of things inside of a dwelling, upon whose very walls seemed written mystery.

Puck's favourite forms seem to have been more outlandish than Ariel's, as might have been expected of that malicious little spirit. He beguiles "the fat and bean-fed horse" by "Neighing in likeness of a filly foal: And sometimes lurk I in a gossip's bowl, In very likeness of a roasted crab; And when she drinks, against her lips I bob, And on her withered dewlap pour the ale.

This would here be done, but for signs of a barometric dead fall in Dame Gossip's chaps, already heavily pendent. She would be off with us on one of her whirling cyclones or elemental mad waltzes, if a step were taken to the lecturing-desk. We are so far in her hands that we have to keep her quiet. She will not hear of the reasons and the change of reasons for one thing and the other.

"You must change your shoes," he cried eagerly. "Your hobnails spoil all." I put one of his gossip's shoes on the floor beside my foot. "Now, monsieur, I ask you, how am I to get into that?" "Shall I fetch you Vigo's?" he grinned. "No, Constant's," I said instantly, thinking how it would make him writhe to lend them. "Constant's best," he promised, disappearing.

That is, all over but the burial party." Mr. Damon was on the ground when the mechanical equipment and a part of the electrical equipment of the new locomotive arrived and was set up in the erection shed. The length of the machine was what first impressed Ned Newton as well as Mr. Damon. "Bless my yardstick!" exclaimed the eccentric man, "it's as long as a gossip's tongue.