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As Moses the Hebrew law giver, is represented as having received the law from God on the holy mountains, so is Zoroaster, the Persian, Manu, the Hindoo, Minos, the Cretan, Lycurgus, the Spartan, and Numa, the Roman." Q. Do you believe all the stories in the Bible?

One should make gifts of kine and horses and wealth and food and other kinds of articles unto a Brahmana that is possessed of such qualifications. By making such gifts unto such persons one earns great happiness in the next world. As I have already told thee even one such Brahmana is fully competent to rescue the entire race to which the giver belongs.

"Certainement, mademoiselle," was the smiling reply. Casimer presented the flowers, as if the exploit was a mere trifle. "Now I shall go and press them at once in uncle's guide-book. Come and help me, else you will be in mischief again." And Amy led the way to the major with her flowers and their giver.

Yet do not so, My little one, but think what happiness We shared together, and attend thy tasks Diligently as thou 'rt ever wont to do. When thou dost add thy mite of joyous life To the great world, thou art a giver too, Like to the birds who make us glad in spring. Be happy therefore, little bird, and stay Warm in thy nest upon the housetop high, Where may God keep thee safe. And so, good-night.

"It should be natural, my boy," answered the Cardinal slowly and with a slight accent of melancholy, "But for many of us in these days I fear it is more natural still to forget than to remember. Too often we take gifts and ignore the giver. But come now and breakfast in my room; for the present you shall remain with me, and I will see what can best be done for your future welfare."

"'Yudhishthira said, "Amongst all those gifts that are mentioned in the treatises other than the Vedas, which gift, O chief of Kuru's race, is the most distinguished in thy opinion? O puissant one, great is the curiosity I feel with respect to this matter. Do thou discourse to me also of that gift which follows the giver into the next world."

"When I wear this necklace I shall always think of you," said she, "and feel how very kind you were." "You must think of somebody else too, when you wear that necklace," replied Miss Crawford. "You must think of Henry, for it was his choice in the first place. He gave it to me, and with the necklace I make over to you all the duty of remembering the original giver.

Then the circle narrows, almost imperceptibly, for, of all the planets which circle around the sun, is not Earth the chief? This point being gained, he is inside the geocentric circle. Earth is the centre of creation. Sun, moon, and stars are auxiliary forces, bountifully arranged by the Giver of all Good for Earth's beauty and comfort.

Kittie made one or two flying trips up stairs to see if everything was really beyond further improvement, while Kat vibrated nervously between the porch and the gate, and Bea sat still, looking at her ring, and wondering if Ernestine would like the giver, and what she would say. "There!" cried Kat at last, with a nervous jump. "The train is in, now in just a little bit "

But they, as is only too common with such offerings, trampled the gift under foot and turned and rent the giver. I had counted too much on their good will oh for the rarity of Christian charity under the sun! Oh for the rarity of ordinary secular intelligence also!