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Here and there the blood oozed out, and from one of the toes it streamed steadily. "So wee, and pretty, and salt-like," Tommy gibed. "One wouldna think they could lead a strong man to hell." "By the way you grumble, they're leading you fast enough," Corliss answered angrily. "Forty mile an hour," Tommy retorted, as he walked away, gloating over having the last word. "One moment. You've two shirts.

In more than one instance, when the orders were to keep close-hauled, the schooner gradually fell off until she got before the wind, when the sails gibed, all standing, making a terrible clatter, and awakening not only myself, but the captain also, who, on coming on deck, must have divined the true state of things; but, with a degree of consideration which I could hardly have expected, and did not deserve, he never gave me a word of reproof.

Larpent leaned back again, puffing forth a thick cloud of smoke. "Once," he said briefly. "Only once?" gibed Saltash. "Man alive! Why, I've had the disease scores of times, and you are half a generation older than I am!" "I know," Larpent's eyes dwelt unblinking upon the sparkling blue of the water beyond the rail. "You've had it so often that you take it lightly." Saltash laughed.

Cyrus began to have an occasional twinge of uneasiness about the possible length of the siege, after his first exuberance subsided; but the younger boy, his short terror overcome, had no misgivings. He coquetted with the moose through a thick screen of foliage, shook the branches at him, gibed and taunted him, enjoying the extra fury he aroused.

He could not, however, endure the sensations which he experienced, so he hurried back to his room. The transfiguring moonlight had conjured up the ghost of his youth, and it mocked and gibed at him cruelly. Kellson was a bad sleeper, but he went to bed early so as to rest his weary limbs.

"Went fishing and couldn't find my camp again," he confessed. I recalled the tent beside the road, I'd seen from Cabin Rock. It was the only camp, on the only road in the vicinity. "Why in thunder didn't you follow the road?" "Didn't know which way to go," he defended. "There's the Peak!" I gibed, pointing upward; "plain as day. Your camp is straight east of it didn't you know that?"

Dundee grinned at her, but he was glad there was no hatred in her eyes. "I'm 'attached' to the district attorney's office, too, aren't I?" "Right! And you've been a brick this evening. I don't know what I should have done without you " "Well, I can't see that you've done much with me," she gibed. "But I'd like to stick around, if you're going to do some real Sherlocking " "Can't be done, Penny.

"I wish I were as sure for myself," muttered Greg Holmes, plaintively. "Oh, well, if I can't make the team," grinned Dan Dalzell, "I'm going to stop this work and go in training as a mascot." "Look at the fellow who always carries Luck in his pocket!" gibed Hazelton, good-humoredly. Coach Luce was now calling off several names rapidly. These young men were directed to scatter on the gym. floor.

"Better not try anything like that, Sandy," Ben Logan laughingly gibed. "He'd wipe up the dust with you in no time, if I'm not much mistaken. Anyway, he minds his own business, and that's something in his favour." "I believe he's working for the bunch," the store-keeper volunteered. "I cashed a cheque of his some time ago, and But, there, I must not let out secrets."

"A hundred a month and every evening in my shack," grumbled Torrance. "I know lots of better men would think it good pay." "It's every evening in your shack," gibed Conrad, "or you'd have to come and live with Tressa and me." "Oh?" questioned Tressa. "Sure!" confidently. "If you two are going to quarrel over me, I'll go back East."