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I could telegraph if there was and there her steady voice faltered, she drew down her veil and turned to walk to the station, Clement carrying her bag, and Mr. Froggatt accompanying them to the train. Very little was said on the way, before they reached the town whose last associations were so joyous. Mr.

Nothing short of the Fall of Delhi had ever been known to bring Felix upstairs in business hours; and he was especially bound to his work at present, since Mr. Froggatt was detained at home by a serious attack of rheumatism. She looked up amazed at the eager question, 'Is there a letter from Alda? 'I believe there is, waiting for Wilmet. What is the matter? 'The most astonishing thing.

Warmer weather came at last, and brought Mr. Froggatt back to his daily work, lifting a weight of responsibility from his young partner's shoulders. The cough mended too, but did not entirely cease; and when June came in with an unusual access of summer heat, there were those who felt it as trying as the sharp wind had been.

Froggatt says he would not go at any price; and besides, each of the choir may take a friend so that's three. 'Am I to be reporter or friend? asked Wilmet. 'Reporter, I think, for you will have to do audience.

And Lance was off with Fulbert; while Clement remained, to make Geraldine unhappy with his opinion of the temptations of Marshlands Hall, returning to the charge when Felix came in before dinner. 'Yes, said Felix briefly, 'Mr. Froggatt has been telling me. It must be stopped. 'Have you heard of the mischief that 'Don't be such a girl, Tina.

'No; but he seems a specimen of an article hard to supply at the same price. 'Are those answers to your advertisement? 'Yes, and very unpromising. Lance came to look them over with him, and to put aside those worth showing to Mr. Froggatt; but it seemed that an assistant suitable in appearance and intelligence was so costly as to alarm their old- fashioned notions. He must be efficient, for Mr.

'Whatever happens, said Felix, I shall send Lance out to Marshlands for a fortnight, and see if he is in the same mind when he comes back. After all, it depends on Mr. Froggatt: and he will be afraid people will say we have turned in the whole Grammar-school behind the counter.

Froggatt kissing his hand, and promising to come and fetch her on her return. The train seemed hardly to have attained its full speed before it slackened again, and another merry load was disposed of within its joints. Another start, another arrival; and before the motion was over, a flash of sunny looks had glanced before the sisters' eyes.

At any rate, they were in no gloomy mood when they reached the tidy little villa, with its beds of open- hearted crocuses defying the cold wind, and admitting the sun to the utmost depths of their purple and golden bosoms, as they laughed their cheery greeting. No less cheerful was the welcome from kind old Mrs. Froggatt, who met them at the door.

'What did she allow, Lady Price? 'That that it was won at play, Mr. Underwood. You know Mr. Froggatt gives his boy an absurd amount of pocket-money, and when she was taxed with this, your daughter Alda is her name, I believe allowed that