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Updated: August 8, 2024

He was wonderfully like Aylmer. Edith was curiously pleased and excited about this little incident. Madame Frabelle and Bruce arrived at Waterloo in good time for the 11.10 train, which Bruce had discovered in the ABC. They wished to know where it started, but nobody appeared interested in the subject.

'Oh, do I? said Madame Frabelle modestly. 'Yes, I think you do, said Edith, who by this time felt inclined to throw the tea-tray at her guest. The last fortnight Edith's nerves had certainly not been quite calm. Formerly she would have been amused at the stupidity of the conversation. Now she felt irritated, bored and worried, except when she was with Aylmer. There was a moment's silence.

He had been constrained and she had been embarrassed. The day that Arthur Coniston was there and they talked of pictures, Aylmer had given her, by a look, to understand that he would like to see her again alone, and she knew perfectly well, even without that, that he was longing for another tete-a-tete. However, the next day Edith went with Madame Frabelle.

'You won't be cross with me, Edith? Perhaps I ought not to say it. 'Yes, do tell us, urged Edith. 'Well, what I consider is the defect in Aylmer Ross is that he has brains, but no temperament. 'Excellent! cried Bruce. 'Perfectly true. Temperament! That's what he wants! Edith remembered hearing that phrase used in her presence to Madame Frabelle not about Aylmer, but about someone else.

'Perhaps we shall never meet again, said Bruce pleasantly, as Edith, Dilly and the nurse were starting; 'either the Zeppelins may come while you're away, or they may set your hotel at Eastcliff on fire. Just the place for them. 'Well, if you want me you've only to telephone, and I can be back in a little more than an hour. Madame Frabelle accompanied Edith to the station.

Do excuse my troubling you, but could you give me a little information? Someone has asked me about Madame Frabelle. I know that she is a friend of yours, and is staying with you, and I said so; also I have a sort of idea that she was, in some way, connected with you by marriage or relationship, but of that I was not quite sure.

'I don't say, dear, said Madame Frabelle, sitting down comfortably, and bringing out her knitting, 'that you yourself are aware of it. I don't say that you're in love with him, but that he is devoted to you anyone with half-an-eye can see. And some day, she shook her head, 'some day your interest in him may take you by surprise. 'It is your interest in him that surprises me, said Edith.

She had a rather powerful, clear, penetrating voice, and spoke with authority, decision, and the sort of voluble fluency generally known as not letting anyone else get a word in edgeways. 'About our boy? said Bruce, handing the toast to her invitingly, while Edith put a cushion behind her back, for which Madame Frabelle gave a little gracious smile. 'About your boy.

'Oh, by the way, Edith, did you consult Landi about him? Bruce inquired. 'You said you intended to. 'Oh yes, I did. Landi can see no sign of musical genius yet. 'Dear, dear! said Bruce. 'Ah, but I am convinced he's wrong. Wait a few years and you'll find he'll agree with me yet, said Madame Frabelle.

'Oh, men are all alike! exclaimed Madame Frabelle cynically. 'Only some men, said Edith. 'Besides, to a woman I mean, a nice woman there is no such thing as men. There is a man; and either she is so fond of him that she can talk of nothing else, however unfavourably, or so much in love with him that she never mentions his name. 'Men often say women are all alike, said Madame Frabelle.

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