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The groom was sitting on a nail barrel, in front of the meal-bin, the cover of which was closed and was thus made to serve for a desk. On this were several sheets of what was then called pro patria paper, or foolscap, and most of these were very much bescribbled.

Having to work without his help, I persuaded a student, who lodges near my quarters, to piece the scraps of paper together. It took him two hours to do so, and we then pasted them carefully on this sheet of foolscap. You will see, Saheb, that there are thirty-seven in all, and only three missing." The story made a deep impression on Mr.

Some cotton-wool lay on the top to keep the all-penetrative dust away, and then a sheet of blue foolscap paper, partly covered with clear but crooked writing, and under that some little twists of silver paper, screwed as if there had been no time to tie them, and a packet of letters held together by a glittering bracelet. "Poor fellow!" Mr.

However, he called to his aid his son Robert, set him down before a sheet of foolscap, and told him toput down there just what I tell you.” The composition of this letter, as we were informed by the writer of it, occupied more evenings than one; and when it was at length finished, after many corrections, and fairly copied out, the father and son set outthe latter dressed in his Sunday’s round jacketto lay the joint production before Mr.

In the course of five years I came to know the styles of the five orators as well as I knew the style of any speaker in my own club at home. These reports came every month. They were written on foolscap, 600 words to the page, and usually about twenty-five pages in a report a good 15,000 words, I should say, a solid week's work.

He flung a typewritten sheet of foolscap at me. I picked my way carefully among the red and black crosses until I came to the violet asterisk. "No. 15. 'A bishop must be the husband of one wife' I Tim: III." "That's rather a poser," I said, "if true. It seems to me to put the Archdeacon out of the running straight off." "No. It doesn't," said Thormanby.

They did not go to church in the afternoon unless they wished, but were pounced upon by Katy instead, and forced to listen to the reading of The Sunday Visitor, a religious paper, of which she was the editor. This paper was partly written, partly printed, on a large sheet of foolscap, and had at the top an ornamental device, in lead pencil, with "Sunday Visitor" in the middle of it.

You may be the biggest man alive at your job; you are certainly the biggest villain." "But I'm up against a bigger now," said Levy, shifting his position and closing his crimson eyes. "Possibly," said Raffles, as he produced a long envelope and unfolded a sheet of foolscap; "but permit me to remind you of a few of your own proven villainies before you take any more shots at mine.

"Just please yourself, sir," said a delighted Bones, so Hamilton covered two sheets of foolscap with an appreciation which began: "The audacity of the author of this singularly uninformed work is to be admired without necessarily being imitated.

If all the trees in all the woods were men, And each and every blade of grass a pen; If every leaf on every shrub and tree Turned to a sheet of foolscap; every sea Were changed to ink, and all earth's living tribes Had nothing else to do but act as scribes, And for ten thousand ages, day and night, The human race should write, and write, and write, Till all the pens and paper were used up, And the huge inkstand was an empty cup, Still would the scribblers clustered round its brim Call for more pens, more paper, and more ink.