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Updated: August 11, 2024

Florine, when she went to see the superior, had left the young sempstress in a passage supplied with benches, and forming a sort of ante-chamber on the first story. Being alone, the girl had mechanically approached a window which looked upon the convent garden, shut in by a half demolished wall, and terminating at one end in an open paling.

"True," said Adrienne, more and more uneasy. "Well?" "As I had been charged to superintend the removal from the lodge, I knew that several things had remained there. To obtain admittance, I had to apply to Mrs. Grivois. "What next, Florine, what next?" "I endeavored to get Mrs. Grivois to talk of M. Rodin; but it was in vain." "She suspected you," said the workgirl. "It was to be anticipated."

I heard Yvard yell: "To the great gate, my bullies, and I will follow here," and at once a great pressure was cast against the door, but it bravely bore the strain. "Come," Florine said; and taking me by the hand together we sped through many dark and devious windings, until I stood once more in the open street. "Hurry, Monsieur, take that street; it leads to Rue St.

"Well! are you coming, my boy?" Lousteau's voice called from the stage. "Jump down." Lucien sprang over. He scarcely recognized Florine and Coralie in their ordinary quilted paletots and cloaks, with their faces hidden by hats and thick black veils. Two butterflies returned to the chrysalis stage could not be more completely transformed. "Will you honor me by giving me your arm?"

She was almost thirty; and though she was in the prime of her beauty, still she might be called an old woman, and all the more so because in such a crisis all a woman's rivals are against her. Mariette, Florine, Tullia would ask their friend to dinner, and gave her some help; but as they did not know the extent of her debts, they did not dare to sound the depths of that gulf.

"M. Rodin at the Princess de Saint-Dizier's!" cried Mdlle. de Cardoville, whose glance, generally so mild, now suddenly flashed with vehement indignation. Then she added, in a tone of considerable emotion, "Continue, Florine." "At sight of M. Rodin, I stopped," proceeded Florine, "and keeping a little on one side, I gained the pavilion without being seen.

"M. Rodin at the Princess de Saint-Dizier's!" cried Mdlle. de Cardoville, whose glance, generally so mild, now suddenly flashed with vehement indignation. Then she added, in a tone of considerable emotion, "Continue, Florine." "At sight of M. Rodin, I stopped," proceeded Florine, "and keeping a little on one side, I gained the pavilion without being seen.

Philippe shared the gay amusements of Tullia, a leading singer at the Opera, of Florentine, who took Mariette's place at the Porte-Saint-Martin, of Florine and Matifat, Coralie and Camusot.

I feel it I know it" and he took her by the hand "my love can only be fatal to you. "As you know, at two-and-twenty I lived on Florine; but what is excusable in a youth, what then seems smart and charming, is a disgrace to a man of forty. Hitherto we have shared the burden of existence, and it has not been lovely for this year and half.

Let a creditor contrive to enter, and she was up like a startled fawn, and swearing a good round oath. "Hey! my good fellow; your insolence is too dear an interest on the money I owe you," she would say. "I am sick of seeing you. Send the sheriff here; I'd prefer him to your silly face." Florine gave charming dinners, concerts, and well-attended soirees, where play ran high.

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