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It had something in its mouth, with which it went to a hole in the tree I have described. My uncle, telling us to remain quiet, crept nearer and fired. The bird fell with a loud flop into the stream. "After him!" I said to Merlin, as the bird was floating down.

So Flop promised, and he kept sniffling away, and the lovely smell grew plainer and plainer as he moved toward the bungalow, until he exclaimed: "Ah, I know what it is! The pie lady! Oh, I wonder if the pie is done?" Nearer and nearer he went to the bungalow, and he heard a whistle, and then he saw the pie lady bustling around with a long apron on, and Flop asked: "Is the pie done?"

Curly picked out a very large apple the very biggest one that grew on the trees, but Flop was content with a smaller one. Then the piggie brothers started for home again. Curly had hard work to carry the big apple and also his bag of corn meal, and first he would have to put one down to rest his legs, and then put down the other to rest his paws.

Little recked the demon drivers or the parched cattle; in they plunged promiscuously, with a flop like thunder, followed by an awful splashing. The wagon stuck fast in the mud, the horses tied themselves in a knot, and rolled about in the stream, and the oxen drank imperturbably. "Oh, the salt! the salt!" screamed Phoebe, and the rocks re-echoed her lamentations.

"I see why you call him Ko-Ko," Ruth said, aiming her camera, "Don't the others do it that way?" "Well, Little Fuzzy runs along beside them and pivots and gives them a quick chop. Mike and Mitzi flop theirs over first and behead them on their backs. And Mamma takes a swipe at their legs first. But beheading and breaking the undershell, they all do that." "Uh-huh; that's basic," she said.

Flop and Pinky saw a little boy and girl pig whom they knew, and they began playing, but Curly walked about, thinking maybe he might find a penny, when all of a sudden he saw his mamma hurrying out of the kitchen. "Where are you going, mamma?" he called to her. "Is the washing all done? Can't I wring any more clothes?" "Oh, yes," she answered.

So the girl agreed, and then the frog said: "Stop it with moss and daub it with clay, And then it will carry the water away;" and then it gave a hop, skip and jump, and went flop into the Well of the World's End.

"Certainly," added Flop, and the funny part of it was that the two brothers had just planned to go off in the woods and play soldier and Indian after school. But as soon as they heard that their mamma wanted them to go on an errand for her, they at once made up their minds that they would go to the store first and play afterward. "What do you want, mamma?" asked Curly.

Loop 'er, Thunder Bird, loop 'er! You're the little old plane from Arizona that's rode the thunder and made it growl it had enough! In Mexico I got yuh, and to Mexico you went and got me a regular jailbird that Uncle Sammy wants. You're takin' him to camp whoo-ee! Give your tail a flop and over yuh go like a doggone tumbleweed in the wind!

"Eh, well," said Nilssen with a sigh, "she'll be nicely fixed up now. I wish I could make provision like that for my old women." Another bullet came silently up out of the distance, and the nigger second engineer of the launch gave a queer little whimper and fell down flop, and lay with his flat nose nuzzling the still warm boiler.