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Hartman, Dr., on the singing of Cicada septendecim. Hatred, persistence of. Haughton, S., on a variation of the flexor pollicis longus in man. Hawks, feeding orphan nestling. Hayes, Dr., on the diverging of sledge-dogs on thin ice. Haymond, R., on the drumming of the male Tetrao umbellus; on the drumming of birds.

This condition though rarely met with in the horse, is the result of violent strain upon the os calcis by the gastrocnemius and superficial flexor tendons in efforts put forth by animals in attempts to regain a footing when the hind feet slip forward under the body, or in jumping and in falls or direct contusion by heavy bodies.

The posterior part of the capsular ligament of the hock joint is very thick in its most dependent portions and is in part cartilaginous, forming a suitable groove for the passage of the deep flexor tendon. Etiology and Occurrence. Strains and sequellae to debilitating diseases constitute the usual causes of this affection.

As to the muscles, there is a short flexor, a short extensor, and a 'peronaeus longus', while the tendons of the long flexors of the great toe and of the other toes are united together and with an accessory fleshy bundle. The hind limb of the Gorilla, therefore, ends in a true foot, with a very moveable great toe.

On examination the detached portion was found to include the terminal phalanx of the thumb, together with the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis measuring ten inches, about half of which length had a fringe of muscular tissue hanging from the free borders, indicating the extent and the penniform arrangement of the fibers attached to it.

No difficulty is encountered in making a practical diagnosis in tendinitis; that is, one may fail to readily recognize the extent of the involvement as it affects the superficial flexor tendon, for instance, but this has no practical bearing on the prognosis and treatment, when existing inflammation of the deep flexor is recognized.

In cases of joint disease, the muscles acting on the joint become atrophied more rapidly than is accounted for by disuse alone, and this is attributed to an interference with the trophic innervation of the muscles reflected from centres in the spinal medulla. It is more marked in the extensor than in the flexor groups of muscles.

The convex extremity of the cannon bone meets shallow depressions in the superior extremity of the first digital bone. This is termed the fetlock joint. The anterior and posterior faces of this region are travelled by the long tendons belonging to the extensor and flexor muscles of the digit. THE DIGIT OR TOE is formed by six bones, three of which are termed accessory or sesamoids.

The dog design is usually known as USANG ORANG, the prawn pattern; the teeth of the dog are held to represent the notched border of the prominent rostrum characteristic of the prawns of the genus PALAEMAN, that occur so plentifully in the fresh-water streams of Borneo. All these are tatued on the flexor surface of the forearm or on the outside of the thigh.

No muscle in the hand exactly corresponds with this, which is eminently a foot muscle. To resume the foot of man is distinguished from his hand by the following absolute anatomical differences: By the arrangement of the tarsal bones. By having a short flexor and a short extensor muscle of the digits.