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Blyth, with a tap on Columbus, which struck a sound from the canvas like a thump on a muffled drum. "On art, Doctor? That's all! As to the origin " "The origin of the Biceps Flexor Cubiti, your Ladyship," resumed the pertinacious Doctor; "is by two heads. The first begins, if I may so express myself, tendinous, from the glenoid cavity of the scapula "

Percivall defines curb as "a prominence upon the back of the hind leg, a little below the hock, of a curvilinear shape, running in a direct line downwards and consisting of infusion into, or thickening of, the sheath of the flexor tendons." Occurrence. Certain predisposing factors seem to favor the occurrence of curb.

When considerable tissue has been ruptured, and the condition is very painful, the foot is held off the ground as in all painful affections of the extremity. By palpation evidence of pain is discernible, though very little swelling occurs. Pain is increased by manual tension of the parts which is done by grasping the toe of the foot and exerting traction on the flexor apparatus.

When the anatomy of the diseased parts is taken into consideration, and an analysis of the lesions which occur in cases where considerable structural change is occasioned by this affection, it is obvious that recovery is impossible. Only in cases where the inflammation is promptly checked before damage has been done the navicular bone or the flexor tendon, is permanent recovery possible.

With a book on her lap, and her own round white arm going through all manner of queer evolutions, she was placidly repeating, "Deltoides, Biceps, Triceps, Pronator, Supinator, Palmanis, Flexor carpi ulnaris "

As the structures on the flexor aspect are more liable to undergo such shortening, contracture is nearly always associated with flexion. Contracture may result from disease of the joint, or from conditions outside it for example, disease in one of the adjacent bones, or lesions of the nerves.

By outlining the course of this tendon with the fingers, when it is passively tensed sufficiently to follow its course, one may exclude rupture of the superficial flexor. Finding the suspensory ligament intact from its origin to the sesamoid attachments, one may also eliminate rupture of this structure as a cause of the trouble.

In the Surgical Museum at Edinburgh there is preserved a thumb and part of the flexor longus pollicis attached, which were avulsed simultaneously. Nunnely has seen the little finger together with the tendon and body of the longer flexor muscle avulsed by machinery.

It is not necessary to descend lower in the scale than the Orang for conclusive evidence on this head. The thumb of the Orang differs more from that of the Gorilla than the thumb of the Gorilla differs from that of Man, not only by its shortness, but by the absence of any special long flexor muscle.

At any rate, the extensor muscles are much more important to bring about the right relation of all parts and the right balance of sensitive muscles and the equalization of circulation than the activity of the flexor muscles. Normal emotions, as we shall find later, are expressed through activity of the extensor muscles. Abnormal emotions, such as anger, affect the flexor muscles of the body more.