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The sun had gone down over Nunnely Hill, behind the four tall Italian poplars, which stood on the border of our bit of wilderness three together and one apart. They were our landmarks and skymarks too for the first sunbeam coming across the common struck their tops of a morning, and the broad western glimmer showed their forms distinctly until far in the night.

In the Surgical Museum at Edinburgh there is preserved a thumb and part of the flexor longus pollicis attached, which were avulsed simultaneously. Nunnely has seen the little finger together with the tendon and body of the longer flexor muscle avulsed by machinery.

Posey had a case of coloboma in the macular region in a patient who had a supernumerary tooth. He believes the defects were inherited, as the patient's mother also had a supernumerary tooth. Nunnely reports cases of congenital malformation in three children of one family. The elder sister had the same congenital condition, but to a lesser degree.

Gorges, purple with shadow, yellow corn-fields, and dark clumps of woodland dressed this broad hill-side in many colours; its highest point, Nunnely Hill, forming the horizon where last night I had seen the sun go down, and which now was tinted with the tenderest western morning grey. "Do you like this, Phineas? I do, very much.

The sort of cheerfulness that strikes to a friend's heart, like the piping of soldiers as they go away back from a newly-filled grave. "Where have you been, John?" "All over Nunnely Hill. I must take you there such expansive views. As Mrs.

The sky was as dusky as Miss March's grey gown; broken sometimes in the evening by a rift of misty gold, gleaming over Nunnely Hill, as if to show us what September sunsets might have been. John went every day to Norton Bury that week. His mind seemed restless he was doubly kind and attentive to me; but every night I heard him go out in all the storm to walk upon the common.