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The consciousness of how futile, of how odious, of how maniacal, it all was swept over him. He had fallen low, but he had never dreamed that he could fall so low as this. A reaction of physical nausea left him weak and dizzy. The flexor muscles of his fingers relaxed. An ague of weakness crept through his limbs.

Again, the tendons of the long flexor of the toes, and of the long flexor of the great toe, when they reach the sole of the foot, do not remain distinct from one another, as the flexors in the palm of the hand do, but they become united and commingled in a very curious manner while their united tendons receive an accessory muscle connected with the heel-bone.

At all events, he jerked back his foot, and somehow, between the involuntary contraction of his flexor muscles from pain and the glancing of my stick, his foot slipped from the stirrup. This, as I had learned from my instructor, was a great point gained, and in an instant I had him by the ankle and by the top of his jack-boot, doubling his leg, at the same time heaving mightily upward.

With the exception of the extent of the involvement and distress occasioned thereby, synovitis the result of open tendon sheaths, is similar wherever it occurs. Etiology. The same conditions which are responsible for open fetlock joint and other wounds of the pastern region, cause open tendon sheaths of the flexor tendons. Symptomatology.

NAVICULAR DISEASE. In navicular disease the bursa, flexor tendon, and navicular bone may become chronically inflamed. Because of the seat of the lameness, it is commonly known as "coffin-joint" lameness. This disease affects standard and thoroughbred horses more often than it does the coarser breeds. Hereditary causes are largely responsible for navicular disease.

As has been indicated, ample time should be allowed for recovery and depending upon conditions, it takes from three weeks to six months for complete recovery to become established. Chronic Tendinitis and Contraction of the Flexor Tendons. Etiology and Occurrence. Acute inflammation of the flexor tendons may result in chronic tendinitis.

Pareira says that in a gouty patient for whom he prescribed 1/6 gr. of potassium arseniate daily, on the third day there appeared a bright red eruption of the face, neck, upper part of the trunk and flexor surfaces of the joints, and an edematous condition of the eyelids.

When it is injured at or above the elbow, there is paralysis of the flexor carpi ulnaris, the ulnar half of the flexor digitorum profundus, all the interossei, the two medial lumbricals, and the adductors of the thumb.

In disease of the flexor tendon and its bursa where contiguous inflammation of tissue is present, the parts are blistered or fired. Line firing is beneficial in such instances but in all cases the cause is to be removed if possible. Etiology and Occurrence.

Its inferior face is moulded to the frog. THE BONY CORE formed by the last bone of the digit and the coffin bone was described briefly with the other foot bones. A very important bursa, because it is so frequently inflamed in coffin-joint lameness, facilitates the gliding of the flexor tendon over the navicular bone before it becomes attached to the inferior face of the pedal or digital bone.