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Attempts had been made six and two years before to tap this woman, but only a few drops of blood followed several thrusts of a large trocar. A diagnosis was made of multilocular ovarian cyst or edematous myoma of the uterus, and on the morning of December 7, 1890, an operation was performed.

For example, Harriett C., who stood about until her feet became edematous, would spit out food when it was placed in her mouth but would eat if she were left alone with the food. Josephine G., in a milder state, would turn her back on people. When more inactive once rolled out of bed and lay on the floor. At this time also she tried to keep people out of her room.

In acute glaucoma the sclera appears to be edematous and slightly thickened. As the disease progresses the sclera becomes denser than normal. The oblique openings passages for the venae vorticosae are said to be narrowed. The openings for the passage of the anterior ciliary vessels are enlarged in many, particularly in advanced cases. Minute herniae at these openings are sometimes present.

The right breast in its largest circumference measured 38 inches and from the chest-wall to the nipple was 17 inches long, the circumference at the base being 23 inches; the largest circumference of the left breast was 28 inches; its length from the chest-wall to the nipple was 14 inches, and its circumference at the base 23 inches. The skin was edematous and thickened.

In a few hours the lid became much swollen, but the pain experienced at first had disappeared. Before retiring for the night he began gentle massage of the lid, stroking it horizontally with his finger. The edematous condition was by this means much reduced in a short time.

The left thigh and leg were painful and edematous. The abdomen looked like that of the sixth month of pregnancy. The abdominal wall was tense, smooth, and without lineae albicantes. Palpation revealed a cystic immobile tumor, extending 2 inches above the umbilicus and apparently fixed by deep adhesions.

By palpation, for the recognition of density and for determining the presence or absence of hyperthermia, one may decide that there exists an abscess and not a tumor. Edematous swellings are recognized by palpation, the characteristic indentations which may be made in dropsical swellings are pathognomonic indicators.

Pareira says that in a gouty patient for whom he prescribed 1/6 gr. of potassium arseniate daily, on the third day there appeared a bright red eruption of the face, neck, upper part of the trunk and flexor surfaces of the joints, and an edematous condition of the eyelids.

Unfortunately the patient developed symptoms of septicemia and died on the fifth day. In looking over the literature on this subject McIntyre found no mention of any solid tumor of this size having been removed. On April 18, 1881, Keith, late of Edinburgh, now of London, successfully removed an edematous myoma, together with the uterus, which was 42 pounds in weight.

In cases of considerable increase of tension, particularly if the onset is sudden, the circulation of lymph in the cornea is interfered with, the anterior layers of the cornea become edematous, the spaces between the lamellae filled with albuminous fluid.