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His wife span and he delved; he dug the clay, and she formed it with her fingers into vessels, on which to this day her finger-prints may be found. These caves are hollowed out in a thick bed of cretaceous rock. The habitations are divided into two unequal parts by a wall cut in the living chalk.

"Here," he began, "we have the finger-prints of a man who was one of the most noted counterfeiters in Great Britain. Beside them are those of a man who succeeded in passing counterfeits of several kinds recently in New York. Some weeks later this third set of prints was taken from a man who was believed to be the same person." The magistrate was examining the three sets of prints.

The next two fingers may have rotary lines and are merely classified as R, the next two may not have many lines at all that will count, so are marked 0, while perhaps the last pair is unmatched, a point being allowed to one and nothing to the other. Thumb or finger-prints are absolutely serviceable and certain in the detection of crime or in establishing a person's identity.

In this case, too, you must remember that there are finger-prints. They cannot lie. If we get the right man Grell or any one else there will be no question of doubt." Fairfield tapped a cigarette on the back of his left hand and rose. "Well, even if you do draw Grell with that advertisement, I doubt if you'll get anything from him if he doesn't want to talk.

And when the barflies called his talk treasonable, they hadn't been fooling. Brent said, "Identical, gentlemen, even to the finger-prints; to the very last ridge." Pender's eyebrows tried to crawl up his forehead and disappear into his hairline. "That's utterly and completely ridiculous." Brent smiled.

No. 3 is a little more complicated." "Yes?" "It is, as you see, highly magnified. You may have noticed a sort of blur extending all across the picture. I will not describe to you the special apparatus, dusting powder, etc., which I used. It is a well-known process to the police, and by means of it you can obtain a photograph of the finger-prints of any object in a very short space of time.

And then it occurred as a remote possibility that she might, after all, be the guilty person, but, to assume that, it was necessary to explain away the finger-prints for they were not hers. "All this led to the supposition that the dagger had been handled by some one after the crime. That person must have been Lady Eileen therefore she must have been the veiled woman you see?

"Oh, you brute!" she cried, stiffening her figure to its full height, her dark-red hair falling in ruffling ringlets about her ears and neck, as she rubbed her arm where his hand had left the blue finger-prints. "I warn you," he said, his voice sinking lower and lower into a mere growl. "I am your husband. You are my wife. Whatever may have been my dreams, I'm awake now.

"That is what I was about to propose," I agreed. "I should like the finger-prints taken of every one who was in the house Thursday night." "Do I understand that your case stands or falls upon this point?" asked the coroner. "Your Honor," I answered, "my client cannot explain how the prints of his fingers, if they are his, came to be upon that robe.

It was Jones, of course, who attacked Burns and secured the key to the captain's cabin; Jones who threw the axe overboard after hearing the crew tell that on its handle were finger-prints to identify the murderer; Jones who, while on guard in the after house below, had pushed the key to the storeroom under Turner's door; Jones who hung the marlinespike over the side, waiting perhaps for another chance at Singleton; Jones, in his devotional attire, who had frightened the crew into hysteria, and who, discovered by Mrs.