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I know I have seen it leap within thine eyes, heard it in thy voice and wherefore did'st thou love Fidelis? Look at me, Beltane! I can be as brave, as faithful and tender as Fidelis! Look at me!" But Beltane dared not look, and trembled because of her so great beauty, and fain would speak yet could not. Whereat she, yet upon her knees, drew nearer. "Beltane," she murmured, "trust me.

So in a while they set out northwards; but now were no arms to clasp and cling, since Sir Fidelis found hold otherwhere. Thus, after some going, Beltane questioned him: "Art easy, Fidelis?" "Aye, lord!" "Wilt not take hold upon my belt, as yesterday?" "Methinks I am better thus." "Nay then, shalt have stirrups and saddle, for I am fain to walk." "And re-open thy wound, messire?

Perhaps one of these days she will find herself and surprise all of us." "I hope so," said Grace without enthusiasm. "By the way, I meant to tell you of Arline's and my plan. We are going to propose that the Semper Fidelis girls give a 'Famous Fiction' masquerade and invite the college. We won't try to make any money this time. Later on we will give a concert.

It was an amateur production, for the detectives were baffled in that no professional photographer's signature or studio was appended. Across a corner of the mount, in delicate feminine tracery, was written: "Semper idem; semper fidelis." And she looked it. As many recollect, it was a face one could never forget.

Now here beside me sitteth Sir Fidelis, who though methinks the most youthful of us all, hath a head in council wiser than us all. For he hath spoke me that whereby though few in number and lacking engines for battery, Giles we yet may win through the walls of Belsaye ere sun-down. Know you this country, Walkyn?" WALKYN. "As my hand, lord." BELTANE. "Is there a village hereabouts?"

"Master!" he cried joyfully, his eyes very bright, "O, master, art awake at last? dost know Roger thy man, dost know thy Roger, lord?" "Aye, forsooth, I know thee, Roger," says Beltane, yet aggrieved and querulous, "but I called not thee. Send me Fidelis where tarries Fidelis?" "Master, I know not. He came to me within the Hollow six nights agone and gave to me his horse and bid me seek thee here.

Nay, wherefore hang thy head? without thee I had died many times ere this; without thy voice to cheer me in these solitudes, thy strength and skill to aid me, I had fallen into madness and death. Wherefore I do love thee, Fidelis, and fain would have thee go beside me ever so great is become my need of thee." "Ah, Beltane, thou dost know I will ne'er desert thee!"

When Kathleen had discovered that Alberta Wicks and Mary Hampton now numbered themselves among Grace's friends, she religiously avoided the two seniors as well as the Semper Fidelis girls.

Arline glanced inquiringly at Grace, who nodded slightly, whereupon the dainty president of the Semper Fidelis Club rose and made the matron a pretty little speech of thanks in behalf of the club. Then the luncheon party started on their way again, Mrs. Bryant hospitably seeing them to the door and extending a smiling invitation to come again.

"Nay, first will we find some freshet where we may bathe awhile. Ha, to plunge naked within some sweet pool 'tis a sweet thought, Fidelis?"