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Updated: August 11, 2024

Hugh Carnaby was gratified by the verdict of felo de se. He applauded the jury for their most unexpected honesty. One had taken for granted the foolish tag about temporary madness, which would have been an insult to everybody's common-sense. 'It's a pity they no longer bury at four cross-roads, with a stake in his inside.

Do you know that in Fifth Avenue the American type seems to have got back its old supremacy? It is as if no other would so well suit with that sublimity! I have not heard that race-suicide has been pronounced by the courts amenable to our wise State law against felo de se, but in the modern Fifth Avenue it is as if our stirp had suddenly reclaimed its old-time sovereignty.

I really do not think, gentlemen, that it is worth while to waste your time and mine by going into further evidence." Finally, a verdict of felo de se was returned, with a strong expression of the jury's admiration of the conduct of constables Malcolm, Chester, and Roberts, who had so cleverly effected the capture of the man who had so long set the law at defiance.

"Pray what sort of a thing is philosophy?" inquired Tom. "Philosophy," replied old Tom, "is either hanging, drowning, shooting yourself, or, in short, getting out of the world without help." "Nay," replied the Dominie, "that is felo de se." "Well, I pronounce it quicker than you, master; but it's one and the same thing: but to go on.

It excited speculation, gave rise to an infinity of rumours, and not a few inventions. The prevalent opinion, among such of those emigrants who were over-running the country, as had time, in the multitude of their employments, to think of any foreign concerns, was the simple and direct conclusion that the absent bride was no more nor less than a felo de se.

But the provision is unequal to the task; the means either cannot or will not accomplish the end, and the whole affair is a felo de se; for as the greater weight will always carry up the less, and as all the wheels of a machine are put in motion by one, it only remains to know which power in the constitution has the most weight, for that will govern; and though the others, or a part of them, may clog, or, as the phrase is, check the rapidity of its motion, yet so long as they cannot stop it, their endeavors will be ineffectual; the first moving power will at last have its way, and what it wants in speed is supplied by time.

He had shot himself with an old firelock that he used for scaring birds; and from what he had said the day before, and the arrangements he had made for his decease, there was no doubt that his end had been deliberately planned, as a consequence of the despondency into which he had been thrown by his son's letter. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of felo de se.

One morning during breakfast there were many cases of felo de se, or 'temporary insanity, and my wife's tea-cup was full of victims; Bacheet, wishing to be attentive, picked out the bodies with his finger and thumb! 'Now, my good fellow, Bacheet, I exclaimed, 'you really must not put your dirty fingers in the tea: you should take them out with the tea-spoon.

Robin Goodfellow supports himself without that stick of a moral which you have thrown away; but how I can be brought in felo de omittendo for that ending to the Boy-builders is a mystery. I can't say positively now, I only know that no line oftener or readier occurs than that "Light-hearted boys, I will build up a Giant with you."

She leaned forward in her chair, her always pale face assuming a new pallor. Laying her hand upon her husband's, she asked in a quick, excited manner: "Do you know how Frontier died?" "I know he died suddenly; now you speak of it, I have an idea it was a case of felo de se. You know I was in Munich at the time." "Arthur," Edith said earnestly, "I have never told even you; but I saw Frontier die.

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