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When young, he imagines the world to be filled with one ambition; later on, he finds that so indeed it is but the name thereof is not Poesy. Strange! sighs he. And if, when he is seventeen, he writes a fluent song, and his fellow-clerk admire it, why, it is nothing; surely the ledger-man hath such scraps in his poke, or at least can roll off better.

"I am in a terrible hurry, but I can spare a minute or two. Thank you very much, Monsieur." And thus I found myself escorted by a small dressmaker and a box of fashions. I remember that I walked a little ahead for fear of being seen in such company by a fellow-clerk, which would have damaged my reputation. We got to the office. Down went the box again.

Wa'al, these two are brothers, fact! Hugh's come to life again, and here he stands. Now see here, my friend! That man by name was Lawrence Clissold." At the mention of this name Tregarthen started and changed colour. "What's the matter?" said the captain. "He was a fellow-clerk of mine thirty five-and-thirty years ago."

While he would be compelled to admit it, he determined to treat Herbert with such a degree of coolness that he would take the hint, and keep his distance. When he arrived at the counting-room, Herbert was already there, and Mr. Pratt also. "Good-morning," said Herbert. "Morning," muttered Tom. "This is Thomas Stanton, your fellow-clerk," said Mr. Pratt, the bookkeeper.

I come, I come. Don't drag me so hard by the hair of my head, Genius of British India! I know my hour is come, Faustus must give up his soul, O Lucifer, O Mephistopheles! Can you make out what all this letter is about? I am afraid to look it over. A fellow-clerk in the India House.

It's the silliest stuff I ever heard of. All that's needful is to cable to the manager: Kirkman has the fifteen hundred find Kirkman. He was a fellow-clerk of mine, and a hard case; but to do him justice I didn't think he was as hard as this." "And what do you say to that, Alick?" asked Flora. "I say the cablegram shall go to-night!" cried Alexander, with energy. "Answer prepaid, too.

"I well remember, however, the indignation I once felt at hearing a fellow-clerk, who had met her in one of our walks, sneeringly contrast her personal appearance with that of our employer's handsome daughter, Miss Clinton; and the proportionate rapture with which I listened to the excellent teacher, Miss Brown, when, being present at a school examination, I overheard her commenting to a lady upon Gertrude's wonderful promise in person as well as in mind.

Crawley, his fellow-clerk, impaled a letter on a skewer. Jacob rose from his chair in Hyde Park, tore his ticket to pieces, and walked away. "Such a sunset," wrote Mrs. Flanders in her letter to Archer at Singapore. "One couldn't make up one's mind to come indoors," she wrote. "It seemed wicked to waste even a moment."

And that lady, being a Greek herself, knew a Greek when she saw one. The kind-hearted Barbo lingered in the gathering darkness to witness the game which ensued, a game dear to all New Englanders, comical to Barbo. The two contestants calculated. Barbo reckoned, and put his money on his new-found fellow-clerk. Eliphalet, indeed, never showed to better advantage.

As he sat there a sturdy little broad-shouldered fellow, so deeply engrossed with his work that he was oblivious of all around he seemed the very beau-ideal of a painstaking, hard-working clerk. So deeply was he engrossed in his subject the copying of an invoice that he failed to hear the voice of his fellow-clerk, although the end of the speaking-tube was not far, from where he sat.