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It floated far up, and some cormorant devoured it; then the wind ceasing, it had the misfortune to strike into your dress." With which words Sir Asinus made an elegant bow, wrapping his old dressing-gown about him with one hand, while he extricated the hook with the other. "There! you are free!" he said; "I am very sorry, my dear little lady " "Oh, indeed, sir! it is very funny!

Astonished and indignant, he repeated, as he extricated himself from their clutches, "Oh, this is too much!" so shocked was he at seeing such mere babies, so young, so tiny, already so brazen and shameless. By PIERRE LOTI July 18th. By this time, four officers of my ship are married like myself, and inhabiting the slopes of the same suburb.

The foot was extricated, and I was instructed in the dangers that beset the prairie voyager in these blind traps of the plain. The trail had been ascending at a gentle grade, and we had a slight change of scene desert hill instead of desert plain. The sand-hills rose in tiers before us, and I was informed that they were formed ages ago by the action of water.

In the Yellowstone one of the coaches of our party settled down in the midst of a slough of despond on the highway, from which it was finally extricated backwards by the combined efforts of twelve horses borrowed from the other coaches.

The silent, moonlighted, solitary road, how it contrasted with the many-eddied whirl of pleasure from whose roar and music, lights, diamonds and colors I had just extricated myself. The sight of lonely nature at such an hour, acts like a sudden sedative. The madness and guilt of my pursuit struck me with a momentary compunction and horror.

The Major was none of your skimming readers, who glance through a work of art as if it were a newspaper measure, weigh it, and deliver a critical opinion on it, before the more reverential student has extricated himself from the toils of the first act or opening chapter: not he; he read every word, and affixed a meaning, right or wrong, to all the hard, obsolete ones.

'No, it's mine, cried Val, as his hand pulled her out, and the others extricated themselves, still laughing, go that they could hardly stand, and Fly declaring, 'Oh, daddy, daddy, it is such fun! I am so glad we came, and taking a gratuitous leap into the air. 'Every one to her taste, said Lady Merrifield, 'I congratulate those to whom a compound tumble-down-stairs is felicity.

So that the greatest advantage I derived from the study consisted in this, that, observing many things which, however extravagant and ridiculous to our apprehension, are yet by common consent received and approved by other great nations, I learned to entertain too decided a belief in regard to nothing of the truth of which I had been persuaded merely by example and custom; and thus I gradually extricated myself from many errors powerful enough to darken our natural intelligence, and incapacitate us in great measure from listening to reason.

The Assembly, although still extremely royalist, suspended him from power, and decided to assume the sole charge of the government. Never did sovereign find himself in a position so difficult as that of Louis at the time of his flight. The genius of a Richelieu would hardly have extricated him. The only element of defence on which he could have relied had from the beginning absolutely failed him.

The celebrated passage of the Beresina by the French is one of the most remarkable examples of such an operation. Never was an army in a more desperate condition, and never was one extricated more gloriously and skillfully.