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My mother raised the shout, my Christian friends crowded around me and joined me in praising God.... I have never doubted that the Lord did, then and there, forgive my sins and give me religion." He went on his way rejoicing, and in June, 1801, was formally received into the Methodist Episcopal Church. In May, 1802, he was appointed an exhorter.

And," added Kerns softly, "no New Yorker in his right mind can go galloping through these five boroughs very long before he's roped, tied, and marked by the 'only girl in the world' the only girl if you don't care to turn around and look at another million girls precisely like her. O Lord! precisely like her!" Here was a nice exhorter to incite others to matrimony.

"Why, chile," said the exhorter, "yoh ain't in the army; yoh's in de navy." Her Literary Loves A talented young professor who was dining one evening at the home of a college president became very much interested in the very pretty girl seated at his left. Conversation was somewhat fitful.

"Have you been hired as an exhorter?" Ruth said, trying to laugh. "Why, no, I can not say that I have." "Well, then, suppose you and I should both die to-night. I don't believe any of these things; you do, but you don't practice on your belief.

By mounting that piece, and using it with discretion refusing it, at the right moment, and showing it at another a great deal might be done with it, either in a siege or an assault. If your honour will excuse the liberty, I would respectfully suggest that it might be well to set the quaker on his legs, and plant him at the gate, as an exhorter."

The venerable Scotchman who led it had a face that beamed with sweetness and intelligence. It was fortunate that the marquis saw so good a specimen. In fact, Priscilla trembled lest Mr. Boreas, the stern, hard-featured "exhorter," should have been invited to lead.

'To be weak is to be miserable, and is the parent of failures. But there is nothing more futile than telling feeble men to be strong, and trembling ones to be very courageous. Unless the exhorter can give some means of strength and some reason for courage, his word is idle wind.

And Brother Boreas, the exhorter, who had the misfortune not to have a business reputation without blemish, but who made up for it by rigid scruples in regard to a melodeon in the church, and by a vicarious conscience which was kindly kept at everybody's service but his own old Brother Boreas always remarked in regard to the marquis, that "as for his part he liked a deeper repentance and a sounder conversion."

And in addition to these, I was also favored with the company of a young man of great worth and precious memory. I refer to Lewis Fowler, an Exhorter of great promise, but who soon after fell under the withering touch of consumption, and passed on to the better land.

The Prophet's next deliverance was more concretely to the point indicating that the exhorter was not so much wrapped up in religion that he had no ear out for the political news current in Egypt that day, "'Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." There was a fireplace in the office and Britt leaped to it and grabbed a poker.