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A croupy cough that lasts through the day, or a sore throat which shows small white patches, are indications of diphtheria. *Scarlet Fever, Measles, Chicken Pox, and Smallpox*, on account of the eruptions of the skin which attend them, are classed as eruptive diseases. As the eruptions heal, scales separate from the skin, and these are supposed to be the chief means of spreading the germs.

Hundreds of cases of this kind could be cited, but I will mention only a few; among others the Humboldt, the Bassick, and the Bull Domingo, near Rosita and Silver Cliff, Colorado. These are veins contained in the same sheet of eruptive rock, but the ores are as different as possible.

It has a base of dark green with angular crystals of felspar of a lighter green imbedded in it. It is a truly eruptive rock, occurring in intrusive bosses, or in beds interstratified with gneiss and mica-schist, and owes its various shades of green to the presence of copper.

I know that my cousin of Burgundy, like other wild bulls, shuts his eyes when he begins his career. 'T is listening fear, and dumb amazement all, When to the startled eye, the sudden glance Appears far south, eruptive through the cloud.

In fact, the whole cave is made up of these fissures and it seems that the water has entered narrow crevices opened by some eruptive force. "You see small holes eaten in the ceilings and walls in every direction, which indicates that the water came from a higher level, and being under great pressure, wanted passage out.

Besides these are others formed of stratified tuff, with interior craters, surrounding in mural cliffs eruptive cones of scoriæ, ashes, and lapilli; these cones are scattered over the isthmus and shores of Waitemata and Manukau.

We have not yet a satisfactory explanation of the broad roadway faults that traverse every small eminence in our immediate region. They must originate from the unequal weathering of lava flows, but it is difficult to imagine the process. The dip of the lavas on our Cape corresponds with that of the lavas of Inaccessible Island, and points to an eruptive centre to the south and not towards Erebus.

These plateau-basalts are intersected by eruptive masses in the form of dykes, but still there are no craters or cones of eruption to be seen; so that we may infer that the sheets, at least, were extruded from fissures in the manner of those of the Colorado or Idaho regions of America.

Although that city was situated in Java, nearly a hundred miles distant from Krakatoa, the inhabitants had not only heard distinctly the explosions of the volcano, but had felt some quakings of the earth and much rattling of doors and windows, besides a sprinkling of ashes, which indicated that the eruption, even in that eruptive region, was of unusual violence.

Even Byron, whom a more brilliant era of genius seemed to have decided to be but an indifferent poet, had ventured to affirm that "The Alp's snow summit nearer heaven is seen Than the volcano's fierce eruptive crest;" with other verses, to the effect that words are but a "temporary torturing flame"; of which no one knew more than himself. The evidence of the poets could not be more emphatic: