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Presently he noticed a gentleman who was performing the same operation upon the faces of the alighting passengers. Throwing himself directly in the way of the latter, the two exchanged a steady gaze. "Is your name Billings?" "Is your name Johnson?" were simultaneous questions, followed by the simultaneous exclamations, "Ned!" "Enos!"

"Deacon Enos might be in better business than in trying to cheat orphans out of their rights she hoped he would go to law about it, and see what good he would get by it a pretty church member and deacon, to be sure! getting up such a story about her poor father, dead and gone!"

"I shall be in dread until you return," she replied, with a grave shake of her head. "When will you start?" asked Uncle Enos. "About half past eight. It won't take over half an hour to reach his house." We continued to discuss Mr. Woodward for some time, and also the action of the Models and what I should do on their score.

Deacon Enos was known far and near as a very proverb for peacefulness of demeanor and unbounded charitableness in covering and excusing the faults of others.

Uncle Enos grew greatly interested, and said he knew a lawyer in New York who might secure some good private detective who could take the case in hand. Finally it came half past eight, and putting on my hat, I started for Mr. Woodward's residence. Though outwardly calm, I was considerably agitated as I walked to Darbyville. Why the merchant had sent for me I could not surmise.

Hence the lieutenant and his friends were disposed to believe, that the people were destitute of dwellings, as well as of clothes; and that like the other commoner of nature, they spent their nights in the open air. Tupia himself was struck with their apparently unhappy condition; and shaking his head, with an air of superiority and compassion, said that they were taata enos, 'poor wretches.

As the men, however, were about to leave for their homes, after the mill had loosed, a sneering, sour-looking fellow, one Enos Wilkinson, who had gathered a little crowd about him, and was watching for Foster, whose work detained him a little later than the ordinary hands, stepped across his path, and raising his voice, cried, "Come now, Saint Foster, you'll be bringing out a nice little book about your conversion, to edify us poor sinners who are still in heathen darkness.

Uncle Enos considered "play-actin'" as the sum of all iniquity. What would he say if she went calmly to destruction by that road? Sad to relate, this recollection rather strengthened her purpose, for a delicious sense of freedom pervaded her soul, and the old defiant spirit seemed to rise up within her at the memory of her Uncle's grim prophecies and narrow views.

"And what would you girls say if I told you that I had sailed over here to take Anne back to Province Town?" "Oh, Uncle Enos!" "Oh, Captain Stoddard!" exclaimed the girls fearfully. "Wouldn't like it, eh? Well," said the captain, "then we won't have it that way, and Anne may go with you." "Oh, Uncle Enos!" "Oh, Captain Stoddard!"

"I want to hunt up this Holtzmann, and find out what he knows about my father's affairs. I'm satisfied that he is as deep in it as Mr. Woodward or John Stumpy, and if I can only by some means get him to tell what he knows, I may accomplish a good deal." My Uncle Enos put his hand upon my shoulder; "Well, Roger, you're a brave boy, and I'll trust you.