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Updated: August 7, 2024

Have I a life, a soule that in thy service I would not wish expird! I doe but borrow My selfe from thee. Ele. Rather you put to Interest And, for that principall you have credited To Eleonora her heart is paid backe As the iust Usury. Hen. You undoe me, sweet, With too much love; if ere I marry thee I feare thou'lt kill me. Ele. How? Hen.

You know the Grant has passed and been approved?" "Yes, so Ele wrote me," returned Mr. Condor. "Condor," continued the General, "I've had enough of it. I'm going to back out. I'd rather sweep the streets." General Belch spoke emphatically, and his friend turned toward him with a pleasant smile. "Can you make so much in any other way?" "Perhaps not. But I'd rather make less, and more comfortably."

The Honorable Budlong Dinks watched the result of the illustration with deep interest, and shook his head gravely when he saw that the stone was thoroughly drenched by the salivary cascade. He seemed to feel the force of the argument. But he was not in a position to commit himself. "Now, I think," said the Honorable B.J. Ele, "that it is the only thing that can save the country."

That honorable gentleman was engaged with his own thoughts while he followed with his tongue the words of his friend, so that, perhaps a little maliciously, perhaps a little unconsciously, he went on in the same wooden tone of repetition. "D it! Our country's what, Mr. Ele?" General Belch looked at his companion. They both smiled.

William Condor had a similar interview with Tom, and Mr. Ele took a friendly glass with Ned. And other Mr. Slugbys, and Condors, and Eles, had little interviews with other red-faced, trip-hammer-fisted Jims, Toms, and Neds. These healths being duly drunk, the placards were posted.

Ele could never ascertain any thing about his colleague, until once when he discovered that the report upon the Grant was to be brought in within a day or two by the Committee, and that it would be recommended, upon which he hastened to Abel's lodging. He found him smoking as usual, with a decanter at hand. It was past midnight, and the room was in the disorder of a bachelor's sanctum. Mr.

Most false by all that ever man can sweare by. We falling out, I told her once I nere Would marry her; & soe she workes this mischiefe. Gyr. You here stand chargd for ravishing her, & you Must marry her or she may have your life. Mac. Lady, what say you? which had you rather have, His life or him? Ele.

Ele seated himself carelessly, so carelessly that Abel saw at once that he had come for some very particular purpose. He offered his friend a tumbler and a cigar, and they talked nimbly of a thousand things. Who had come, who had gone, and how superb Mrs.

I think I know a man who can be persuaded to look at the matter from that point a man who may be of very great service to the party, if we can persuade him to see from our point of view." "Who is that?" asked Mr. Ele. "Abel Newt," replied General Belch. Mr. Ele seemed somewhat surprised. "Oh yes ah indeed. I did not know he was in political life," said he. "He isn't," returned General Belch. Mr.

The Honorable B.J. Ele also lingered, as if he would like to be the last out of the house; for although this distinguished statesman did not care to do otherwise than as General Belch commanded, he was anxious to be the General's chief butler, while the remark about riding on his companions' shoulders and the personal impression Abel had made upon him, had seriously alarmed him.

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