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Updated: August 17, 2024

Jerome says, "Sive Mosem dicere volueris auctorem Pentateuchi, sive Esdram ejusdem instauratorem operis, non recuso." Clemens Alexandrinus says that when these books had been destroyed in the captivity of Nebuchadnezzar, Esdras, having become inspired prophetically, reproduced them. Irenaeus says the same.

Another savant detects no less than eight fragments, with interpolations; though perhaps no biblical critic ejusdem farinae has yet detected eight Isaiahs. There are about ten other theories of similar plausibility and value. These are local legends, and knowledge of the curious chariot ritual of Onchestus. The Muses are united with the Graces as in a work of art in the Delphian temple.

The Title of Bartholine's sixth Chapter is, Pygmæos esse aut fuisse ex variis eorum adjunctis, accidentibus, &c. ab Authoribus descriptis ostenditur. As first, their Magnitude: which he mentions from Ctesias, Pliny, Gellius, and Juvenal; and tho' they do not all agree exactly, 'tis nothing. Autorum hic dissensus nullus est (saith Bartholine) etenim sicut in nostris hominibus, ita indubiè in Pygmæis non omnes ejusdem magnitudinis. 2. The Place and Country: As Ctesias (he saith) places them in the middle of India; Aristotle and Pliny at the Lakes above Ægypt; Homer's Scholiast in the middle of Ægypt; Pliny at another time saith they are at the Head of the Ganges, and sometimes at Gerania, which is in Thracia, which being near Scythia, confirms (he saith) Anania's Relation. Mela places them at the Arabian Gulf; and Paulus Jovius docet Pygmæos ultra Japonem esse; and adds, has Autorum dissensiones facile fuerit conciliare; nec mirum diversas relationes

So again in the second paragraph of page 502, the position is true or false according to the definition of a miracle. In the narrower sense of the term, miracle, that is, a consequent presented to the outward senses without an adequate antecedent, ejusdem generis, it is not only false but detractory from the Christian religion.

Quo circa supplicabatur ei in fine ejusdem rotuli, ex parte dominorum & communitatis regni, ut jus suum in se assumeret." Is this full? Is this evidence? Liv. 5, p. 151.

"The daughter of a vermicelli manufacturer," the Duchess added; "and when the little creature went to Court, the daughter of a pastry-cook was presented on the same day. Do you remember, Claire? The King began to laugh, and made some joke in Latin about flour. People what was it? people " "Ejusdem farinoe," said Eugene. "Yes, that was it," said the Duchess.

That which is well in the individual, the family, the county, the state, is evil in the nation. That which is good in detail such as, to purchase rather than to produce, when purchase is more advantageous than production is bad in the mass. The political economy of individuals is not that of nations," and other rubbish, ejusdem farinæ. And why all this? Look at it closely.

Stato tempore in silvam auguriis patrum et prisca formidine sacram, omnes ejusdem sanguinis populi legationibus coeunt, caesoque publice homine celebrant barbari ritus horrenda primordia. Est et alia luco reverentia.

Let us, for instance, take the following passage from the speech of Gracchus to the Censors; "Abesse non potest, quin ejusdem hominis fit, probos improbare, qui improbos probet;" "There is no possibility of doubting that the same person who is an enemy to virtue, must be a friend to vice."

So that weakness and malice in the offended non variant speciem scandali, but only gradum ejusdem speciei.

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