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Owing to the orders they received, they soon began to charge prohibitive prices. At certain times it was possible to get egret feathers, and also astrachan the skin of unborn lambs in the bazaar. The old copper vessels that were sold in many of the shops were sometimes very beautiful.

But it will have nothing to say of the marvels of the slow decay of a Victoria Regia leaf, or of the spiral descent of a white egret, or of the feelings which Roosevelt and I shared one evening, when four manatees rose beneath us. It was from a little curved Japanese bridge, and the next morning we were to start up-country to my jungle laboratory.

"On his boat, the Egret, he has as his guests during the tourist season some of the most prominent people of the country. "When the season is over, or before it is on, he has no guests down here. That is his vacation time, the time when Garman plays. "There are more criminal refugees in the wilds of this swamp country than anywhere else in this land.

ALABAMA: Wood-duck, snowy egret, woodcock. "The worst enemy of wild life is the pot-hunter and game hog. These wholesale slaughterers of game resort to any device and practice, it matters not how murderous, to accomplish the pernicious ends of their nefarious campaign of relentless extermination of fur and feather.

McIlhenny is associated with Mr. Charles Willis Ward, joint donor of the splendid Ward-McIlhenny Bird Preserve of 13,000 acres, which recently was presented to the State of Louisiana by its former owners. The egret and heron preserve, however, is Mr. McIlhenny's individual enterprise, and really furnished the motif of the larger movement.

He laughed again, shouted an order, and the Egret leaped past them and on down the river. "Ghost boat, ghost boat!" The Haiti black, back on the scow, waking up from his sleep, had stared full in the eye of the Egret's searchlight, and now was staggering round, terror-stricken and dazed. "Knock him down somebody," called White calmly. "Ghost boat, ghost boat!" "Where?" "Down the uh! Oh, ma Dieu!"

What ducks come down fly high, being harassed coming down from the north. I consider the southern Minnesota country practically cleaned out. MISSOURI: The birds threatened with extermination are the American woodcock, wood-duck, snowy egret, pinnated grouse, wild turkey, ruffed grouse, golden eagle, bald eagle, pileated woodpecker. MONTANA: Blue grouse.

Higgins' hair-trigger laughter rumbled deep accompaniment; and, as always, the engineer's merriment forced itself upon Roger, and he joined in, while the silver of the girl's tones pealed above both, tinkling in the sun-kissed palms above, rolling out over the purple water, out to the mooring of the immaculate Egret. "We were on the Swastika, and rose early," explained Roger.

He tottered toward the river and again turned. "Will you shake hands with me before I go?" he asked. "Why, yes," she said. "Of course." Garman chuckled, but turned away without touching her proffered hand. "I merely wanted to know," he said, and went staggering on his away aboard the Egret. He mumbled an order and an oath to the captain. The Egret slipped swiftly down the river.

Then he yanked his egret shooters out of the rookery and put them on the job. It was the first time in two years' work that I'd known 'em to be in a bunch. I got fifty government men assembled at Citrus Grove for a round-up; but the crooks down here got word of it somehow and streaked it into the cypress swamp.