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W-a-all, I'se an ole nigger, an my heart ees shree-veled up like, I s'pose, but my gorry, young massas, ef you don't beat, old Clump will jist loaden up do musket again an' an' an' but 'is 'ed agin de rock! Yah, fur sure!"

This nondescript individual rode up to the verandah on which sat Welton and Bob, awaiting the lunch bell. He bowed gravely, and dismounted. "Dis ees Meestair Welton?" he inquired with a courtesy at strange variance with his uncouth appearance. Welton nodded.

Keith woke up, heard the sound of a knocking on the door, and went to the window. The cook was deaf as a post and would never hear. His sister was away. Perhaps it was a message from his father. A man stepped out from the house and looked up at him. "Mees Crawford, ees she at home maybeso?" he asked. The man was a Mexican. "Wait a jiffy. I'll get up," the youngster called back.

"Dis chile's sorry sorry," she continued, "but de Lor' ees my strong 'an my sheel." She was speaking very slowly, and had bent over the fire to rake the ashes together.

"The limit, in view of our present obligations, has been reached." "On the margin of ten cents," suggested Live Wire Luiz, "take a chance, amigo. Thees is not speculation. It ees what you call the ceench weeth the copper reevets." "I figure it that way; nevertheless, copper-riveted cinches sometimes aren't properly cinched and Fortune backs out of the packsaddle.

The two men caught the spokes and set their weight to it. Greer remained silent. "Zis ees bad!" exclaimed Deschaillon. "Zis wheel will not go around!" "What's the matter, do you think?" cried Leonard. "Zee gear ees clogged, I think me." "Go get a lantern and some men, Hogan anybody who isn't lifeless. We've got to do something!" The Frenchman obeyed, hurrying off into the darkness.

Miss Crawley said, more bewildered than ever. Briggs and Firkin at the door opened the eyes of astonishment and the lips of wonder. "Yes refused," Rebecca continued, with a sad, tearful voice. "And am I to credit my ears that you absolutely proposed to her, Sir Pitt?" the old lady asked. "Ees," said the Baronet, "I did." "And she refused you as she says?"

You will not see my eyes, Pancho; thees little grass" she ran her plump little fingers through a tussock "will hide them; and the small animals in the black coats that lif here will have much sorrow but you will not. It ees better so! My father will not that I, a Catholique, should marry into a camp-meeting, and lif in a tent, and make howl like the coyote." But I care not.

It was something about you that bewitched me. It must have been your eyes." "Oo, what ees eet you say, señor? You theenk I do not know sometheeng. On the train you tell of the girl who would not marree you the girl who marree the other man. You meet her in the car with Señora Badgaire. I know! I know! She ees the one! You luf her!" "I may as well make a clean breast of it," said Carker.

"She ees reech because I am poor. Oh, yes! I know." "You don't know anything of the kind," said Nan flatly. "Does she, Rhoda?" "I I don't know what she means," stammered the girl from Rose Ranch. "I guess I understand something about it," said the quicker-witted Nan.