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Updated: August 18, 2024

"I would like to put that girl in her place once!" thought Mrs. Salisbury. She began to wish that Justine would marry, and to envy those of her friends who were still struggling with untrained Maggies and Almas and Chloes. Whatever their faults, these girls were still SERVANTS, old-fashioned "help" they drudged away at cooking and beds and sweeping all day, and rattled dishes far into the night.

I look five years younger than I am and ten years younger than men who have drudged virtuously and uncomplainingly on the "Thy-will-be-done" plan. I am certainly a better man, better looking, better feeling, stronger in every way than I was before I committed this crime. The ugly stamp comes from bad health, bad surroundings, bad conditions of life, and these can usually be changed by money.

They smile when the hope is expressed that the quality will rise above the old-time domestic standard. The home of the past was a beehive in which women drudged, and little children were weary toilers, and the result was not of a high grade. Statistics have shown that seventy-five percent of the home-made bread of America was a poor product. I lived as a child in the days of home-made bread.

What had he done, he asked himself, that others drew all the prizes and left him but the blanks that they should stay ashore and prosper that they should marry and have children round them, while he drudged at sea alone?

Was there nothing under the heavens that this infernal harbor didn't know all about, and "do business with" so thoroughly that it could always smile? As I drudged on down there in the warehouse, my bitterness became an obsession. I even talked about it to Sue. "Oh, Billy, you make me tired," she said. "Here I've taken the trouble to bring to the house every magazine writer I know.

The poor little things drudged hard enough in peace time, and in war they are merely part of the big machine. The diminishing supply of cattle and pigs for killing has afforded an opportunity to convert a section of the slaughter-houses into one of the great People's Kitchens. Few eat there, however.

I have lately drudged through great numbers of these last, and bestowed on them an attention they did not in themselves deserve, because I considered it as one means of judging both of the spirit of the government and the morals of the people.

It may be said that the accomplishments of the women of Old Japan, be they martial or pacific in character, were mainly intended for the home; and, however far they might roam, they never lost sight of the hearth as the center. It was to maintain its honor and integrity that they slaved, drudged and gave up their lives.

J. K. was hunting for something too. But what a relief to see him go, to forget his loud disturbing Paris and again drink deep of mine, the city of great writers. "I'll never really know them," I thought, "until I can not only talk but think and feel in their language." So I drudged for hours a day in my room.

But Florie Hausbaum's youth saw nothing of the future German death-struggle there in the wooded valley of the Drau. Every one was still singing the dear old songs, and Florian sang them best of all. He learned nothing, he never drudged, he merely sang, as forgetful of toil as the cricket of the south.

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