Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 14, 2024

A hundred yards from the road was a dense copse of undergrowth and bushes on the edge of the forest. Off to the east flowed the majestic Rhine, a league distant, and to the north ran the road like a white ribbon, stretching downhill to the valley and up again to the top of another hill, distant perhaps a half-league.

With a single bound, wonderful to see, the big deer was out of sight behind trees and brush. The does leaped after him. "Doggone the luck!" ejaculated Roy, red in the face, as he worked the lever of his rifle. "Never could shoot downhill, nohow!" His rueful apology to the girls for missing brought a merry laugh from Bo.

Four continuous lifted Stemming turns on a slope of hard snow at an angle of not less than 30 degrees. Four continuous Telemark turns on a slope of soft snow at an angle of not less than 30. Four consecutive jump-turns to connect downhill tacks on a slope of breakable crust at an angle of about 30 degrees. The turns must be done round sticks or flags placed by the Judges.

I opened my door and held out my lantern, and just as far as the light would reach I saw a woman; she turned her head when the light sheened on her, and then hurried on downhill. I hung up the lantern, and was curious enough to pull on my things and dog her a few steps, but I could see nothing of her any more.

I crossed the ridge and tore down the farther slope; stumbled through a muddy brook and mounted another hillside. My heart was drumming now, but terror held me to it over this second ridge and downhill again.

Molly pulled her hand almost roughly out of her cousin's grip, and the next moment was rushing downhill as fast as she could in the direction of the summer-house. There she knew she would find Linda and her two friends. Notwithstanding all the efforts of at least five merry girls, there was a cloud over the remainder of that afternoon.

Fine old timber, part of that mysterious Ciminian forest which still covers a large tract, from within whose ample shade one looks downhill towards the distant Orte across a broiling stretch of country. There were golden orioles here, calling to each other from the tree-tops.

"And," he added, after a long pause, "how do, Mr. Silver! Pretty well, I thank ye, says you." "Ben, Ben," murmured Silver, "to think as you've done me!" The doctor sent back Gray for one of the pickaxes deserted, in their flight, by the mutineers; and then as we proceeded leisurely downhill to where the boats were lying, related, in a few words, what had taken place.

Giles's Church, running downhill to the Cowgate and covering the site of the present Parliament House. It has disappeared as utterly as the prison or the Luckenbooths; and for those ignorant of its history, I know only one token that remains.

He stopped on the downhill path, took her cloak from her arm, and with kind carefulness laid it about her shoulders. As he arranged it he touched one of the soft curls that lay on her white neck, and again a thrill passed through him. He began to wish that he had not planned this country expedition, after all. He ought really to have started this morning for the Continent.

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