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"So you could not wait for me?" said she, in a quiet whisper, and went on straight to Dolfin, who stood trembling with expectation and delight. She put her hand into his. "Here stands my champion," said she. "Say, here kneels your slave," cried the Scot, dropping to the pavement a true Highland knee. Whereon forth shrieked a bagpipe, and Dolfin's minstrel sang, in most melodious Gaelic,

"You? You are divine, perfect. Dolfin is right. How could a man who had once enjoyed you live without you?" Alftruda laughed, a laugh full of meaning; but what that meaning was, Hereward could not divine.

"My way?" said Alftruda, in a bitter and hopeless tone. Hereward mounted her on a good horse, and rode beside her, looking and he well knew it a very perfect knight. Soon they began to talk. What had brought Alftruda to Peterborough, of all places on earth? "A woman's fortune. Because I am rich, and some say fair, I am a puppet, and a slave, a prey. I was going back to my, to Dolfin."

He had with him eight splendid Turkish horses; I saw two of them still alive in Gorizia in the year 1773. As soon as I had landed with my luggage, and had engaged a rather mean lodging, I presented myself to M. Andre Dolfin, the proveditore-generale, who promised me again that I should soon be promoted to a lieutenancy.

Then Dolfin and young Gospatrick took to the sea, and away to Scotland: and so Tosti rid himself of all the good blood in the North, except young Waltheof Siwardsson, whose turn, I fear, will come next." "How comes he here, then?" "The Northern men rose at that, killed his servant at York, took all his treasures, and marched down to Northampton, plundering and burning.

"And beside if aught untoward should happen to Dolfin and his kin " "She might, with her broad lands, be a fine bait for Hereward. I see. Now, do this, by my command. Send a trusty monk into Ely. Let him tell the monks that we have determined to seize all their outlying lands, unless they surrender within the week.

I have seldom seen a finer-looking man, or a man of more imposing appearance than M. Dolfin. He was eminently distinguished for his wit and politeness. He was eloquent, always cheerful when he lost at cards, the favourite of ladies, whom he endeavoured to please in everything, always courageous, and of an equal temper, whether in good or in adverse fortune.

The captain of the ship told me that, if I was obliged to take my meals alone, I was not likely to fare very well, and he advised me to obtain an introduction to the nobleman, who would not fail to invite me to share his table. His name was Antonio Dolfin, and he had been nicknamed Bucentoro, in consequence of his air of grandeur and the elegance of his toilet.

I had no recollection of it, but it was true. I laughed, and gave it to M. Dolfin; he handed it to the fanatic chaplain, who, exulting in his victory, called for a large pan of live coals from the cook's galley, and made an auto-da-fe of the document.

The commander and M. Dolfin then came on deck, but they were compelled to listen to the chaplain, and to promise, in order to pacify the vile rabble, that they would land me at the first opportunity. But even this was not enough; the priest demanded that I should give up to him a certain parchment that I had purchased from a Greek at Malamocco just before sailing.