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"Beggin' your pardon, Cap'n," he said apologetically, "but if Mr. Drew was as slow with his fists as he is with tellin' his story, meanin' no disrespec', me an' my mates wouldn't be here." "Go ahead, Whitlock," said the captain. "It is like pulling teeth to get anything from Mr. Drew." Whitlock told the story, which lost nothing in the telling.

He winked to the men, all round; and then added, to Lydia: "Sorry see you in this state I mean, sorry see me Can't make it that way either; up stump on both routes. What I mean is, sorry hadn't coffee first. But you're all right all right! Like see anybody offer you disrespec', 'n I'm around. Tha's all."

Evan, they're nice and sweetish and I thank you kindly, but, ma'am, they couldn't stand in it with those that grows as free as corn poppies round the four-shillin'-a-week cottages out Gloucester way, and no disrespec' intended." The working season of the rose garden begins the first of April with the cutting out of dead wood and the shortening and shaping of last year's growth.

"Now I do hope Cousin Ann will like her summer coverings," he said. "She's sho' too an' we's moughty 'bleeged ter you, Marse Jeff. Miss Ann an' me air jes' been talkin' 'bout how much you favors yo' gran'pap, Marse Bob Bucknor as war. I don't want ter put no disrespec' on yo' gran'mammy, but if Marse Bob Bucknor had er had his way Miss Ann would er been her."

Dat orful human natur gwine to come in now an' I belebe dat folks who know you an' all 'bout you'se family will help you, 'stid ob talkin' agin you. You see. You knows I doan' mean no disrespec' to ole Missus, but she'd jes sit down an' starbe, tinkin' ob de good dinners she orter hab, an' did hab in de ole times. All you'se folks in hebin is a smilin' on you, honey.

But me an' Mis' Yorke, we don't want to make out the truth of that other Scriptur', that the sins of the father shall be visited on the children, leastways, not Tom's children; they ain't to blame for his short-comin's; an', meanin' no disrespec' nor onbelief, that Scriptur' do always seem to me a little hard on the children.

She turned her head aroun' ter look at us an' she give me sech a start I pretty nigh fell off'n my box. "I ain't meanin' no disrespec' ter Marse Bob an' Miss Milly's daughters, but they ain't nothin' by the side er that there young gal what dusted us this mornin'. The bes'-lookin' one er their daughters is Mr. Jeff. He air sho growed ter a likely young man. He air certainly kind an' politeful too.

Y' see wimmin's li'ble to fool you some. When they knows you're fixed on 'em they jest makes you hate yourself fer a foolhead. It's in the natur' of 'em. They're most like young fillies 'fore they're broke I sez it wi'out disrespec'. Y' see a wummin ain't got a roarin' time of it in this world.