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Updated: August 28, 2024

Oh, 'twas lovely, an' stiddy, too! There was the Sargints on the flanks av what was left av us, kapin' touch, an' the fire was runnin' from flank to flank, an' the Paythans was dhroppin'. We opined out wid the widenin' av the valley, an' whin the valley narrowed we closed again like the shticks on a lady's fan, an' at the far ind av the gut where they thried to stand, we fair blew them off their feet, for we had expinded very little ammunition by reason av the knife work.

He's liftin' barrels wid his teeth, and singin "Garry Owen," Till all the house be strikin' hands, sence Chairley Burke's in town. The Road-Yaird hands coomes dhroppin' in, an' niver goin' back; An' there's two freights upon the switch the wan on aither track An' Mr. Gearry, from The Shops, he's mad enough to swear, An' durstn't spake a word but grin, the whilst that Chairley's there! Och!

"Heth, he's the fine lamb!" retorted the father sarcastically. "Well, I believe they have everything now, down to the little creepy. Good luck to ye, Jack McEvoy; mind how ye go takin' it up the road don't be dhroppin' any of it out o' the cart. Give me compliments to Mr. Rorke, and tell him I hope he'll enjoy my iligant furnitur, an' much good may it do him!"

"Trains is like misfortunes; they never come singly, ma'am. Wherever there's a station the trains do be dhroppin' in now and again, and what's the differ which of thim you take?" "The man who is waiting for you at the other end of the line may not agree with you," I suggested. "Sure, a man can always amuse himself in a town, ma'am.

"Ah, shure!" said the plucky Irish lady, "the shells were dhroppin' all round here; but they were only nine-pounders, and we don't take any notice of them at all." No words can describe the cheerful, patient behaviour of those devoted Sisters through the siege.

No, sir, pollytics ain't dhroppin' into tea, an' it ain't wurrukin' a scroll saw, or makin' a garden in a back yard. 'Tis gettin' up at six o'clock in th' mornin' an' r-rushin' off to wurruk, an' comin' home at night tired an' dusty. Double wages f'r overtime an' Sundahs." "So a man's got to be marrid to do it well.

'Whisht, says she, 'an' listen to that, says she. 'In the name of the Blessed Vargin, says she, 'what IS it? says she. An' sure enough what was it but Bill Malowney that was dhroppin' asleep in the closet, an' snorin' like a church organ. 'Is it a pig, says he, 'or is it a Christian? 'Arra! listen to the tune iv it, says she; 'sure a pig never done the like is that, says she.

I tuk him by the scruff av his neck, my heart was hung on a hair-thrigger those days, you will onderstand an' 'Out wid ut, sez I, 'or I'll lave no bone av you unbreakable, 'Speak to Dempsey, sez he howlin'. 'Dempsey which? sez I, 'ye unwashed limb av Satan. 'Av the Bob-tailed Dhragoons, sez he, 'He's seen her home from her aunt's house in the civil lines four times this fortnight, 'Child! sez I, dhroppin' him, 'your tongue's stronger than your body.

Oh, 'twas lovely, an' stiddy, too! There was the Sargints on the flanks av what was left av us, kapin' touch, an' the fire was runnin' from flank to flank, an' the Paythans was dhroppin'. We opined out wid the widenin' av the valley, an' whin the valley narrowed we closed again like the shticks on a lady's fan, an' at the far ind av the gut where they thried to stand, we fair blew them off their feet, for we had expinded very little ammunition by reason av the knife work."

This comp'ny is in ixcillint condition since th' hangin' iv th' comity on reorganization." "What's th' la-ad been doin', Hinnissy? He's been lettin' his frinds in on th' groun' flure an' dhroppin' thim into th' cellar. Ye know Cassidy, over in th' Fifth, him that was in th' ligislachure? Well, sir, he was a gr-reat frind iv this man.

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