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Updated: August 28, 2024

As I dribbled the stuff over the sorry devilgrass they kicked the pump and my shins mimicking my actions, tripping me as they skipped under my legs, getting wet with the Metamorphizer I hoped with mutually deleterious effect and generally making me more than ever thankful for my bachelor condition.

These smaller bodies were vigorously attacked as soon as discovered but of course they had in every case made progress too great to be countered, for they were at first naturally indistinguishable from ordinary devilgrass and by the time their true character was determined so rapid was their growth they were already beyond all possibility of control.

"Ay?" questioned the learned judge, looking as though neither his lunch nor breakfast nor, for that matter, any nourishment absorbed since the Taft administration, had agreed with him. "I'm a bit of a gardener myself, gentlemen," the witness assured them confidentially, settling back comfortably. "I putter around my own place Saturdays and Sundays and I know what devilgrass is like.

Leaving them visible from the corner of my eye, I crossed the most miserable lawn yet encountered. It was composed of what I since learned is Bermuda, a plant most Southern Californians call with many profane prefixes devilgrass. It was yellow, the dirty, grayish yellow of moldy straw; and bald, scuffed spots immodestly exposed the cracked, parched earth beneath.

Bold and insolent, it had repaired the hackedout areas and risen to such a height that, except for a narrow strip at the top, all the windows of the Dinkman house were smothered. Of the garage, only the roof, islanded and bewildered, was visible, apparently resting on a solid foundation of devilgrass.

My pleasant speculations and plans for this literary venture were interrupted, as was my convalescence, by the loss of the Sahara depots. When I got the news, my principal concern wasnt for the incalculable damage to Consolidated Pemmican. My initial reaction was amazement at the ability of the devilgrass to make its way so rapidly across a sterile and waterless waste.

No one would ever call this stuff devilgrass angelgrass would be more appropriate to the implications of such a heavenly green. Millions in it simply millions.... "Say arent you the fellow put this stuff on?" Halfadozen vacant faces gaped at me, the burdening pump, the caudal hose.

That is, the stems are short and jointed. Those aboveground, the true stems, are called stolons, and those below, from which the roots spread, are rhizomes. Conceive if you will twoinch lengths of stiff wire and this plant is vulgarly called wiregrass in some regions just as it is called devilgrass here bent on either end at rightangles.

When Orpheus Crisodd's Devilgrass Symphony was first played in Carnegie Hall an audience three times as great as that admitted had to be accommodated outside with loudspeakers and when the awesome crescendo of horns, drums, and broken crockery rubbed over slate surfaces announced the climax of the sixth movement, the crowds wept. Even for Mozart the hall was full, or practically full.

I was not averse to the suggestion, for the authority of the commission would admit me to areas closed to ordinary citizens and I was toying with the idea it might be possible in some way to use the devilgrass as an ingredient in our food products. George Thario having shown in many ways he was growing stale on the job and in need of a vacation, I decided to take him with me.

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