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It wasnt until I was almost at my own frontdoor I remembered the purpose of my visit, which was not to draw philosophic conclusions, but to order my impressions so the columns of the Daily Intelligencer might benefit by the reactions of one so closely connected with the spread of the devilgrass.

It drifted easily and the winds blew it beyond the confines of the creeping parent. It lit on spots far from the threatening advance and sprouted overnight into great clumps of devilgrass. All the anxiety and panic which had gone before was trivial in the face of this new threat.

"Well, as I was saying, I applied some of the stuff to a lawn. Exactly according to your instructions " "In the irrigation water?" "Well, not precisely. But just as good, I assure you." "Go on." "A terrible lawn. All shot. Last night. This morning " "Stop. What kind of grass? Or don't you know?" "Of course I know," I answered indignantly. Did she think I was an idiot? "It was devilgrass." "Ah."

I thought I was prepared for anything after the shocks of the day before; I know I was prepared for nothing at all to find the grass as I'd left it or even reverted to its original decay. Indeed, I was not too sure that my memory was completely accurate; that the thing had happened so fantastically. But the devilgrass had outdone itself and made my anticipations foolish.

"In fact, if what you say is true, it will literally swallow up the house. Digest it. Convert it into devilgrass." "Cynodon dactylon. What I say is true. How much elementary physics is involved in that trick?" "But that's terrible," protested Gootes. He regarded a bowl of algae as if about to make it disappear.