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Updated: August 23, 2024

Detestably false as had been her letters to the editors, absolutely and abominably foul as was the entire system by which she was endeavouring to achieve success, far away from honour and honesty as she had been carried by her ready subserviency to the dirty things among which she had lately fallen, nevertheless her statements about herself were substantially true. She had been ill-treated.

"Did you know any of the men?" She hesitated. "I thought one was Duncan Boone." "What made you think so?" "He was the leader, I think, moved the way he does." Her anger flashed for an instant. "And acted like him detestably." "Was he violent to West? Injure him?" "No he didn't do him any physical injury that I saw. I wasn't thinking about Mr. West." "Surely he didn't lay hands on you!"

No law in England can hinder a man from keeping his house decent, and mine's abominable! Open your mouth. He held the knife in his hand, and pushed its point between my teeth: but, for my part, I was never much afraid of his vagaries. I spat out, and affirmed it tasted detestably I would not take it on any account.

"We have removed, my Julie, to this detestably dull old German town, for no earthly reason but that the University is famous as a medical school. "My husband informs me, in his sweetest manner, that he will hesitate at no sacrifice of our ordinary comforts to increase his professional knowledge.

The cold made me shiver, and I couldn't help crying; indeed I couldn't." "Poor Arty, poor Arty," said Walter, soothingly. "But have they ever done this before?" "Yes, once, when you were at the choir-supper, one night." "They never shall again, I swear," said Walter, frowning, as he thought how detestably cruel they had been. "But what did they send you for?" "For no good," said Eden.

It was Addison, and not La Bruyère, who broke down once for all, and finally, the monkish conception of women as the betrayers of the human species, which had lingered on so detestably from the Middle Ages. The influence of La Bruyère on Steele is apparent, and may have preceded that on Addison.

"Sir Richard Calmady's conduct," she answered shortly. She threw back her head and addressed Dr. Knott. "It is so detestably unjust. What possible quarrel has he with her, after all?" "Ah! that that lies very deep. A thing, perhaps, only a man, or a mother, can quite comprehend," the doctor answered slowly. Honoria's straight eyebrows drew together.

I do not, I would have you remark, deny his admirable virtues; but say what you like, you will never get a woman of fashion to confide her "little affairs" to a farmer's son, and address him as "Father." Matters must not be carried the length of absurdity; besides, this Abbe Brice always smells detestably of snuff.

'Since Saturday? Mrs. Ormonde repeated. 'What did you wait for on Saturday? She had a wretched suspicion. From Egremont alone that information could have come to Thyrza. Had he played detestably false, having by some means, at the height of his passion, communicated with the girl? But the thought could only pass through her mind; it would not bear the light of reason for a moment.

'Nothing will induce me to be false to Amelia. 'I don't believe that Amelia really loves you. 'I never said she did; but I'm sure she's quite willing to marry me. 'I think that's detestably vain. 'Not at all. However old, ugly, and generally undesirable a man is, he'll find a heap of charming girls who are willing to marry him.

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