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Irma Gluyas was now sobbing wildly, her head resting on the bosom of the woman who had been Braun's dupe as well as slave; the woman who had feebly enacted the role of Madame Raffoni. And now the whole frightful truth had dawned upon the beautiful Magyar. She gazed despairingly at McNerney when he quickly said: "You can purchase your own safety; you can aid us now.

I looked despairingly round, but only to see deep water, and the bank so near and yet so far, for it was out of reach. At last my mind was made up. I would get my knees on the penstock again, and then by main force drag him out, at all events into a sitting position, where I could hold him against the post while he recovered sufficiently to walk to the shore.

"Is that true, Anne? Or is it a whopper?" demanded Davy staring. "Davy," said Anne despairingly, "haven't you sense enough to distinguish between a fairytale and a falsehood?" "Then what is it that sasses back from the Boulter bush? I want to know," insisted Davy. "When you are a little older, Davy, I'll explain it all to you."

The judge looked through the cause list till he found the case, putting a mark against it on the paper. 'How can we dine to-night without a cook? I sighed, despairingly. 'Fear nothing, said the judge. 'He shall be with you in an hour. Come, O my friends, we must to business! It grows late. The judge took leave of me with much politeness.

And now," concluded Susan, tucking Jims in the crook of her gaunt arms and marching downstairs, "having cried my cry and said my say I shall take a brace, and if I cannot look pleasant I will look as pleasant as I can." "The Germans have recaptured Premysl," said Susan despairingly, looking up from her newspaper, "and now I suppose we will have to begin calling it by that uncivilised name again.

He rose to his full height il se dressa en pied, as Amyot would have said; he seemed to grow taller; he raised his withered hands and wrung them despairingly and wildly. "If only your father may die and never know this, young man! To be a forger is enough; a parricide you must not be. Fly, you say? No. They would condemn you for contempt of court! Oh, wretched boy!

"Will they ever be adjusted?" she asked herself despairingly, but did not say so aloud, as she was unwilling to worry the sick man. "Well, I only came down to The Manor for a few days," she said aloud, and in a most cheerful manner. "Jane wants to get the house in order for Garvington, who returns from Paris in a week." "Agnes! Agnes!" Lambert shook his head. "You are not telling me the truth.

The steward Gras had received orders to wake the Lady Thyone if anything unusual happened to the blind man, and when he heard the unfortunate artist groan so pitifully that it would have moved a stone, and saw him raise his hand despairingly to his head, he thought it was time to utter words of consolation, and a short time after the anxious matron followed him.

'I'm youth, I'm joy, Peter answered at a venture, 'I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg. This, of course, was nonsense; but it was proof to the unhappy Hook that Peter did not know in the least who or what he was, which is the very pinnacle of good form. 'To 't again, he cried despairingly.

She rose, shaking her fur stole into place about her dainty person, and, whipping out a tiny mirror from her vanity case, she applied a rouge stick to her already scarlet lips. "No no " and Eunice wailed despairingly. "Don't go, Fifi, I oh, I don't know how I feel toward you! You see I will speak plainly you see, it was my acquaintance with you that caused the trouble mostly between me and San."