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Updated: August 20, 2024

My wardrobe consisted of five fashionable coats full mounted, two of which were plain, one of cut velvet, one trimmed with gold, and another with silver lace, two frocks, one of white drab, with large plate buttons, the other of blue with gold binding; one waistcoat of gold brocade; one of blue satin, embroidered with silver; one of green silk, trimmed with figured broad gold lace; one of black silk, with fringes; one of white satin, one of black cloth, and one of scarlet; six pair of cloth breeches; one pair of crimson, and another of black velvet; twelve pair of white silk stockings, as many of black silk, and the same number of white cotton; one hat, laced with gold point d'Espagne, another with silver lace scolloped, a third with gold binding, and a fourth plain; three dozen of fine ruffled shirts, as many neckcloths; one dozen of cambric handkerchiefs, and the like number of silk.

"But I had them addressed to the Hôtel d'Espagne," I said. "They have been already informed that you are here," he answered; and then, turning to his wife, he said "Have you drunk deep enough of the bitter cup? or do you thirst for more of its contents?"

Her apparition, doubtless, indicated my impending death! His officers tried to dissuade him from this belief, but he adhered to his conviction, and left the palace that very night in order to establish his headquarters at the 'Fantaisie, the king's little villa near the city. General d'Espagne, however, was unable to overcome his horror.

So the Cardinal de Rohan is then chosen President of the States, is that the phrase? But he is chosen President toujours of the notables, or something. This I had last night from the Marquis de Hautefort. What this Marquis and Grand d'Espagne has to do out of France at this time I have as yet to learn. I see that I am to have the introduction of him everywhere.

Velours and d'Espagne stand indebted for a great part of their present influence at Guildhall, to the elegance of my shape, and the graceful freedom of my carriage. Sed quae praeclara et prospera tanti, Ut rebus laetis par sit mensura malorum? JUV. Sat. x. 97. See the wild purchase of the bold and vain, Where every bliss is bought with equal pain!

Benedict's rule women are not allowed in monasteries; and as Madame Spinucci was extremely curious on the subject, her husband had been obliged to apply for a dispensation to the Holy Father. I slept at Montecasino after having seen the curiosities of the place, and I went on to Rome, and put up with Roland's daughter in the Place d'Espagne.

And thence to Somerset House; and there into the chappell, where Monsieur d'Espagne used to preach. But now it is made very fine, and was ten times more crouded than the Queene's chappell at St. James's; which I wonder at. Thence down to the garden of Somerset House, and up and down the new building, which in every respect will be mighty magnificent and costly.

It was the 'Chansons d'Espagne, which he had just purchased at what he called the massacre of the poets; in other words, at the sale that day of the library of William H. Prescott. He was rather melancholy, he said: first, on account of the sacrifice and separation of that fine library; also because he is doubtful about his new poem, the one on the life of our Saviour.

The dances the most in request are, the Saraband, the Bretagne the Furlana, the Passepied, the Folie d'Espagne, the Rigaudon, the Minuet du Dauphin the Louvre, La Mariée, which is always danced at the Opera of Roland at Paris. Some of these are performed solo, others are duet-dances.

Another amenity in Septimus's peaceful existence was Emmy. Being at this time out of an engagement, she paid various flying visits to Nunsmere, bringing with her an echo of comic opera and an odor of Peau d'Espagne.

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