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'Why, she says that no one can say there isn't a bowl of custard standing under the grate', said Little Peter. 'She may spae as much as she pleases', answered the man, 'but we haven't had custards in this house for a year and a day. But Peter begged him only to look, and he did so; and he found the custard-bowl.

Fruit-gardens, crowded with big golden pomolos, delicious custard, apples, and bananas abound; in the Hooghli villages the latter can be bought for two pice a dozen. Depots for the accumulation and shipment of cocoa-nuts, where tons and tons of freshly gathered nuts are stacked up like measured mounds of earth, are frequent along the river.

"The world was full of things I couldn't understand, but I could understand a little better the woman who wore the white furs. "Oh Katie, you get so tired you get so dead all day long putting suspenders in a box or making daisies or addressing envelopes or trying to remember whether it was apple or custard pie

"Oh, yes!" said Emily; "she said, 'I am not saucy; of all faults, sauciness is not one of my faults, I am sure; and I thought all the time she looked as saucy and impertinent as possible." "And how Mr. Crosbie did eat!" said Lucy; "he ate half the haunch of venison! And then he was helped twice to pigeon-pie; and then he ate apple-tart and custard; and then "

Lay a crust in your pie plates, slice apples thin and half fill the plates, pour over a custard made of four eggs to a quart of milk, sweeten and season it; bake it slowly. Custard baked in Cups.

Mary Batelier, and she dined with us; and thence I took them to Islington, and there eat a custard; and so back to Moorfields, and shewed Batelier, with my wife, "Polichinello," which I like the more I see it; and so home with great content, she being a mighty good-natured, pretty woman, and thence I to the Victualling office, and there with Mr.

An' heah de salvation train is stuck deep in de mud, an' yer know Arkansas mud hit's mud; hit ain't b'iled custard; no, it ain't, an' hit sticks like glue! Heah de glory kyar is stallded in dis tar-colored Arkansas glue-mud, I say, an' I can't raise wheels enough out'n dis congergation ter sen' it on!

He did not want much, aside from a whisky sour, a plate of terrapin, a pint of Mr. Pommery's secretary's beverage, and a baked duck. We had a little calves' liver and custard pie. Then we visited Cleopatra's Needle. "And who in creation was Cleopatra?" asked Colonel Root. "Cleopatra," said the driver, "was a goodlooking Queen of Egypt.

The groceryman said he guessed he knew what to give away, and the boy went out and hung up a sign in front of the grocery, that he had made on wrapping paper with red chalk, which read, "Rotten eggs, good enough for custard pies, for 18 cents a dozen." This land of the free is good enough, if we make it good, and if we make it bad, it is just as bad as any country under the sun.

A couple of tablespoonfuls of stewed fruit put into a small bottle is an excellent accompaniment to this cup. Cabinet Cup Pudding. Soak a teaspoonful of gelatine in a dessert spoonful of water. Make a little custard as above, with the third of a pint of milk and one egg. Prepare a small mould by plunging it first into hot water, afterwards into cold water. Take two savoy fingers and four ratafias.