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"Then" his voice lost its savagery, and became soft and tender "then, Dulnop, lad, ye shall have thy Cunora; and as for Rolla and I " Corrus turned and walked away, that his friend might not see what was in his eyes.

Bringing these back to the "torture- place," as the spot was called, the man was compelled to wield one of the clumsy tools while a companion used the other; and between them they cut down the tree whose branches had been waving over the prisoners' heads. Then the villagers were forced to drag the tree away. All of which occurred in the darkness, and out of sight of Rolla and Cunora.

"It be a shame that we cannot come hence a great deal oftener! Me-thinks They could allow it!" "They care not for our longings," spoke Cunora, her eyes flashing as angrily as his. "They give us enough freedom to make us work the better no more! All They care for is thy herd and my crops!" "And for the labor," reminded the big man, "of such brains as Rolla's and Dulnop's.

She sighed, and then hurried on. "Saying something further, also reassuring, this angel brought forth another of the strange sticks; and when he had made this one bloom, he touched it to the little pile of leaves. Behold, a greater miracle, Cunora! The blossoms spread to the leaves, and caus'ed them to bloom, too!" Cunora was eying her companion pretty sharply.

Nevertheless, both hesitated before starting over the plateau. Each gazed back longingly over the home of their kind; and for a moment Rolla's resolution plainly faltered. She hesitated; Cunora made a move as though to return. And at that instant their problem was decided for them. A large drone passed within six feet of them.

Again and again Cunora found bits of mineral such as would have deceived any one who had been less accurately impressed than Rolla. As it afterward turned out, the very accuracy of this impression was a great error, strange though that may seem. Finally Rolla glanced up at the sun and sighed. "We will have to give it up for this day," she told Cunora.

Rolla and Cunora came a little nearer; and still remaining hidden, saw that more than half their friends had succumbed. One by one the remainder dropped out; their forms lay all about what was left of the fire. The two women could easily see what their friends were blind to: the bees were simply biding their time. "Ought we not to rush in and warn them?" whispered Cunora to Rolla.

And he recognized it as truth, as soon as she had said it. "Just a minute," remarked Smith in his ordinary voice; "just a minute. You're forgetting that we don't really know whether Rolla and Cunora are safe. Everything depends upon them now, you know." In silence the four went back into telepathic connection. Now, of course, Smith and Van Emmon were practically without agents.

Once more he performed the miracle, and this time he contrived to spread the blossom from some leaves to the tip of a large piece of wood which he took from the ground. 'Twas a wonderful sight! "Nay, hear me further," as Cunora threw herself, with a grunt of impatience, back on her bed; "there is a greater wonder to tell.

Nevertheless, both hesitated before starting over the plateau. Each gazed back longingly over the home of their kind; and for a moment Holla's resolution plainly faltered. She hesitated; Cunora made a move as though to return. And at that instant their problem was decided for them. A large drone passed within six feet of them.