United States or Mexico ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Then, as she shrank, drawing away a little, startled by the crudeness of the expression: "I enjoyed our two dances," he told her, "and I shall enjoy taking you to Marseilles and making Faircloth's acquaintance, if our little scheme works out successfully if it is sanctioned, permitted.

He gave her another glance and two more grunts and turned away to devote himself to Daisy Snow. Bing! That was the way things came to Warble. Fate, Kismet, Predestination whatever it was, it came zip! boom! hell-for-leather! "It's not only his strength but his crudeness like petroleum or Egyptian art. "He can control "Amazingly impertinent! "He wasn't "But I wish he had been "He will be!"

The second impression that strikes us is the crudeness of the new men, and the lack of finish in their drill, as compared with the veteran troops of Britain and France. The progress they have made, however, in the past few weeks under their experienced American officers of the regular army has been truly remarkable.

Local attempts at engraving in some of our own early colonial settlements were of the crudest possible description, and yet they are, because of their very crudeness, far more interesting than the finished product supplied by firms at home, for the local effort truly represented the country of its issue in the art of stamp production.

Gay and daring, she always knew how to make the men laugh with her prattle, the sense and crudeness of which I did not understand until much later. She was the life of the party always.

We should be careful not to regard the crude form of the impulse as crude in the sense of an educated humanity, which must see in the crudeness something morally inferior. In robbery and annihilation there exists on the primitive or childish level hardly the slightest germ of badness. There is much to be said about the psychology and morality of the child.

His gesture seemed to deprecate the crudeness of the allusion. "To marry some one else?" Again his eye and hand protested. She rose and stood before him. "Why should you be afraid to tell me? Is it Una Van Sideren?" He was silent. "I wish you good luck," she said. She looked up, finding herself alone. She did not remember when or how he had left the room, or how long afterward she had sat there.

Yet formerly, in the condition of comparative crudeness with which international trade was then organised, concealment was relatively easy, at least for a time. But the ever-growing sensitiveness of world-wide commerce, when market movements are reported from hour to hour instead of from week to week, has greatly increased the difficulty.

"But since, in this case, there wasn't any " he broke off, catching the dawn of a revelation in her gaze. "That's just it. The unpardonable offence has been in our not offending." He flung himself down despairingly. "I give it up! What did you tell her?" he burst out with sudden crudeness. "The exact truth.

For a vagueness had come into her mind like the vagueness of twilight that filled the space beneath the starry roof, softening the crudeness of the ornaments, the garish colours of the plaster saints. It seemed to her that her thoughts and feelings lost their outlines, that she watched them fading like the shrouded forms of Arabs fading in the tunnels of Mimosa.