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'But surely, said Clarence, a dim recollection of something he had heard or read somewhere coming to him, 'isn't cornering wheat a rather profitable process? 'Sure, said his mother. 'Sure it is. I guess dad's try at cornering wheat was about the most profitable thing that ever happened to the other fellows.

Then, as the limousine slowed at Spring Street, to let a cross-town car pass a car whose earnings he and Flint both shared, just as they shared those of every surface and subway and "L" car in the vast metropolis he said: "Have you weighed the consequences carefully, Flint? Quite carefully? This thing of cornering all the oxygen is a pretty big proposition.

All I can remember is, that on the eve of our march I found myself "cornering" Don Cosme, and telling him plainly, to his teeth, that I meant to marry one of his daughters; and that my friend who had not yet learned the "lingo", and had duly commissioned me as his "go-between" would be most happy to take the other off his hands.

It was ended by the judgment of George. For a while he had been seeking to catch, not the dog but the remaining pig, the one still capable of activity. Cornering it at last, he persuaded it to cease running round and round the room, and instead to take a spin outside. It shot through the door with one long wail. We always desire the thing we have not.

They had strolled into the living room a big, square, sunny place, in golden greens and browns, where a bay-window overlooked the Park. Kneeling on the cushions of the deep window seat she flattened her delicate nose against the glass, peering out through the lace hangings. "Everybody and his family are driving," she said over her shoulder. "The rich and great are cornering the fresh-air supply.

It was a commercial campaign fought by agents of the Federal and Confederate governments and having for its aim the cornering of the munitions market in Europe. In this campaign the Federal agents had decisive advantages: their credit was never questioned, and their enormous purchases were never doubtful ventures for the European sellers.

"Wasn't there something else? You said you were afraid, did you not?" "Now you are cornering me," Douglas laughed. "Yes, I confess I was afraid of the questions you might ask about my strange behaviour in coming to Rixton in disguise. I felt that you were offended, and so great was my love, I was in no mood to have parts of the Catechism hurled at me.

I misdoubt that little quick cornering eye of yours. Do you ever remember to have blushed?" "No, signore," said Luigi. "You spy upon the signorina, do you?" "You have Beppo's word for that," interposed Marco Sana, growling. "And you are found spying on the mountain this particular day! Luigi Saracco, you are a fellow of a tremendous composition.

Ninthly, a keen contest of nationalisms, land-grabbing and cornering of raw materials renders friendly relations between the thirty States of Europe extremely difficult.

'I think, said Lawford, 'I think it's beginning to come back. 'What, the whole thing! Oh no, my dear, dear man; be frank with me; not the whole thing? 'Yes, said Lawford, 'the whole thing very, very gradually, imperceptibly. I think even Sheila noticed. But I rather feel it than see it; that is all.... I'm cornering him. 'Him? Lawford jerked his candle as if towards some definite goal.