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It is true that on certain questions of public policy, especially with regard to Church matters, views are propounded by my ministers which do not exactly square with my pre-conceived opinions, and which I acquiesce in, so long as they do not contravene the fundamental principles of morality, from a conviction that they are in accordance with the general sentiments of the community.

Thorold's answer was to take my hand and softly draw it through his own arm. I did not like it; I was fearful of being seen to walk so; yet the assuming of me was done in a manner that I could not resist nor contravene. I knew how Christian's eyes fell upon me; I dared not meet them. "Is the doctor jealous of you, Daisy?" he whispered laughing. I did not find an answer immediately.

She ought to play up to him, not to contravene him. In an instant she was smiling her rather roguish smile. 'I don't like sherry very much, she said. 'But I like almost anything else. The sick man caught at this straw instantly. 'Not sherry! No! Something else! What then? What is there, Thomas? 'Port wine curacao 'I would love some curacao said Gudrun, looking at the sick man confidingly.

We also hereby proclaim and make known to all the inhabitants of the united states of Hungary and Transylvania, their possessions and dependencies, that all authorities, communes, towns, and the civil officers, both in the counties and cities, are completely set free and released from all the obligations under which they stood, by oath or otherwise, to the said house of Hapsburg; and that any individual daring to contravene this decree, and by word or deed in any way to aid or abet any one violating it, shall be treated and punished as guilty of high treason.

The plainest and most obvious declarations of the Bible, if they contravene their favorite theories or doctrines, are to them unmeaning twaddle; though they are always ready to press the good book into their service, so far as they are able by forced constructions of detached passages, to give plausibility to their own visionary opinions and projects.

After to-day, you will, therefore, see me no more." "I cannot," answered Vincent, "contravene so laudable a purpose, however I may be the loser." And after a short and desultory conversation, I left him once more to the tranquil enjoyment of his Plato.

"It is impossible to foresee what view the Bench may take of the question. If on one side we have a mother and children, on the other we have an old man crushed by sorrows, made old by your refusals to know him. Where is he to find a wife? Can the judges contravene the law? Your marriage with Colonel Chabert has priority on its side and every legal right.

The introduction of chloroform met with violent opposition, not upon medical grounds alone, but also for moral and religious reasons. "To check the sensation of pain in connection with the visitations of God," zealous theologians announced, "was to contravene the decrees of an all-wise Creator."

Ranger, Panama: United States guarantees perfect neutrality of Isthmus and that a free transit from sea to sea be not interrupted or embarrassed. . . . Any transportation of troops which might contravene these provisions of treaty should not be sanctioned by you, nor should use of road be permitted which might convert the line of transit into theater of hostility. COLON, September 20, 1902.

The agent most likely to contravene this design of the Constitution is the Chief Magistrate.