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"I have come to you on business. My daughter has disappeared with your son, or whatever relation the Signor Giovanni Cardegna is to you." "He is no relation, Signor Conte. He was an orphan, and I " "It is the same," he interrupted. "You are responsible for his doings." I responsible! Good heavens, had I not done all in my power to prevent the rashness of that hot-headed boy?

At any rate, any magazine reader will recognize them at once: BONNE MERE PITOU A Conte of Old Normandy Bonne Mere Pitou sat spinning beside the porte of the humble chaumiere in which she dwelt. From time to time her eyes looked up and down the gran' route that passed her door. She rose wearily and went dedans. Presently she came out again, dehors.

J'espere et je dois Croire que Vous Conte finc n'aurez pas bessoin de faire usage de Cette Instruction mais en cas de Malheur je Vous autorisse a L'Employer, et Marque que C'est apres Une Mure et saine Deliberation Ma ferme et Constante Volonte je le Signe de Ma Main et la Muni de mon Cachet,

"It is an extraordinary circumstance," said the Baron Manutoli, "that they were jeering at the Conte Leandro at the Circolo just now, about the way the Diva had snubbed him and his verses, and accusing him in joke of having been her murderer. And, as sure as I am now speaking to you, Signor Fortini, he looked in a way then that I a a in short that I thought very odd turned all sorts of colours.

Lost in amazement at the duplicity of the Vroman, I answered, briefly: "I believe so! He intimated as much to me." She smiled scornfully. "I am too much honored! And did you, conte, think for a moment that such an arrangement would meet with my approval?" I was silent. My brain was confused I found it difficult to meet with and confront such treachery as this. What! Had she no conscience?

The Cafe of the simple inn where they stayed was the meeting-place of the notabilities of the little city; the Sindaco, the avvocato, the doctor, and a few others; and among them they noticed a beautiful, slim, talkative old man, with bright black eyes and snow-white hair tail and straight and still with the figure of a youth, although the waiter told them with pride that the Conte was molto vecchio would in fact be eighty in the following year.

Junker Henning lay at her feet, and near him my Hans' brother Paulus, and young Master Holzschuher. The Knight von Eberstein had fetched him a stool out from the beekeeper's house, and twisted and tied with great zeal; the Italian Conte, Fagio di Puppi, struck the mandoline, which he called "the lady of his heart" from whom he never parted even on the longest journey.

Blanka had hardly laid aside her wraps when a waiter knocked at her door and presented a card on a silver salver. "Conte Benjamino de Vajdar" was the name she read in the landlord's handwriting. On the following morning, Blanka sent for the hotel-keeper and desired him to procure for herself and her two companions admission tickets to all the sacred ceremonies of the coming week.

Le conte d'Aulnoy, but it should be 'visconte. 'Howbeit they that stayed acquitted them as well as they might, so that they were all slain or taken. Few escaped of those that set themselves with the king': or according to the fuller text: 'Few escaped of those that alighted down on the sand by the side of the king their lord.

For though the Marchese was no great card- player, and never touched a card in his own house, he was wont, at the Circolo, on such occasions as the present, to cast in his lot with those who so consoled themselves for the years that made the ball-room no longer their proper territory. But the Conte Leandro did not find the Marchese among the card- players.