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Updated: August 8, 2024

"It's 'Lena," answered Uncle Timothy, "'Lena Rivers that dandified chap calls her, and it's plaguy curis to me what she's a runnin' away for, and he a streakin' it through the country arter her; there's mischief summers, so I tell 'em, but that's no consarn of mine so long as he pays down regular." Mr.

"Yes, consarn that pesky critter with the finest horse I ever set eyes on, and while he's alive ther'll be no peace along the border." "That's right," agreed Pete. "He's a natural born trouble-maker. But I guess so far as we are concerned we are through with him." But Coyote Pete, accurate as were his usual judgments, was wrong in this.

"Wal, one good turn deserves another, Mrs. Arnold, for Miss Verne praised up that consarn so that I went right off and got all I could to join it, so you see all through this life it's give and take?" "Quite true, Mr. Spriggins, but we don't always live up to that principle," said the other with a shade of sadness in her tone. Mr. Spriggins had penetration enough to see in what, direction Mrs.

"You've proved me, and you know." "Yes, I have, and I do know. Well, then, mistress and I mean to get married to-morrow morning." "Heaven's high tower! And yet I've thought of such a thing from time to time; true, I have. But keeping it so close! Well, there, 'tis no consarn of amine, and I wish 'ee joy o' her." "Thank you, Coggan.

Nowit's not that I'm afeared, but as he's to have the girl himself, it's but fair that his own neck should run the first danger, an' not mine." They all assented to this. "Well, then, boys," he proceeded, "if yez support me, well make him head this business himself. It's his own consarn, not ours; an' besides, as he houlds the Articles, it's his duty to lead us in everything.

As a rule railway directors and railway clerks, and railway porters and railway officials of all sorts are good more or less the same may be said of banks an' insurances, an' all sorts of things but, do what ye may, a black sheep or two will git in among 'em, and, of course, the bigger the consarn, the more numerous the black sheep. Even the clergy ain't free from that uniwersal law of natur.

The violent rearing and backing of the horses overturned the wagon body, and the farmer and his better half were caught beneath it, before they could escape. They had sense enough to remain quiet, until the brute left, when they crept out, none the worse for their mishap. "Consarn his pictur!" exclaimed the husband; "if that don't beat all creation!

Half a dozen loafers on the post-office steps were positive that he said nothing more, a fact that was afterward worth remembering. "Here!" exclaimed Anderson Crow wrathfully. "Do you know what you're doin', consarn you?" "I beg pardon," everybody within hearing heard the young man say. "Is this the city of Tinkletown?" He said "city," they could swear, every man's son of them.

It weren't no consarn of mine noways, but I knew I could catch up the waggons if I started in the afternoon, and I concluded that I would just wait; so I sat by the fire and smoked. When the caravan had gone on the Mormons hitched up their cattle again.

I misremember the year, but that don't matter; bein' a subject of no consarn wotiver, 'xcept to schoolboys who'll get their licks if they can't tell, and sarve 'em right too. But if you're willin' I'm agreeable, and there's an end o' the whole affair."

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