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Updated: August 15, 2024

Presson, down to the humblest town committeeman, does full duty in time and effort. But if one has to buy it all, it needs a deep purse. From what you say, it is plain to me that I am now left to run my own campaign. I tell you very frankly, gentlemen, my means are limited. I have not made money out of politics. One course only is left open to me.

Briefly the story is as follows: Notwithstanding the fact that I was overworked in the practice of my profession it was early in March, and I was preparing my contributions for the coming Christmas issues of the periodicals for which I write I had accepted the highly honorable position of Entertainment Committeeman at one of the small clubs to which I belonged.

There was a committeeman from every county in the state the men who formed the motive cogs of his machine. One after the other they had reported to him. And each time a man finished talking the colonel drove a solid fist down on the arm of the chair and roared: "I say again I don't believe it's as bad as you figure it. It can't be as bad.

"The West can stand a good many things, but it won't stand that," he exclaimed. "A national committeeman of our party travelling with his valet on the train with Jimmy Grayson! It'll cost us at least six states. We ain't women!" There succeeded a gloomy silence that lasted until Heathcote himself appeared upon the porch, fresh, dapper, and patronizing. "I hope you enjoyed your dinner, Mr.

A word spoken against an American manufacturer is a crime in the eyes of the Magnates, and the offender is chastised accordingly." "I have three sons who grew to manhood, stunted and untutored, who had to work for their daily bread in the mills of Herod Butcher," declares Martin Stark, the Rhode Island committeeman. "Judas D. Savage is another of the transgressors.

I take it for granted that no committeeman interested in Democratic success would desire to offend the members of a convention overwhelmingly progressive by naming a reactionary to sound the keynote of the campaign.

He had been on the trail of that convention, its movements, its progress, as a hound dog would follow the trail of a fox. He had seen it safely headed for the corner where it would be run to earth. He detected sudden peril in this threat of a detour. "Good Jericho!" gasped a committeeman near him. "The chairman ain't letting this convention get away from him, is he?"

Regretful resolutions were passed and various committees appointed; among others, a committee of one was deputed to call on the minister, a fragile, gentle, spiritual new fledgling from an Eastern theological seminary, and as yet unacquainted with the ways of the mines. The committeeman, "Scotty" Briggs, made his visit; and in after days it was worth something to hear the minister tell about it.

"I beg your pardon, but this is Mr. Heathcote, is it not?" he asked, courteously. The committeeman put a glass in his eye and regarded him quite coolly. Harley, despite his habitual self-control, shuddered. He did not mind the supercilious gaze, but he knew the effect of the monocle upon the crowd. "Yes, I am Mr. Heathcote," said the committeeman, "and you ah I don't believe ah "

When the routine of business has been gone through with, the chairman announces that the meeting will proceed to the consideration of new business, if there is any. William Nevins, the man who had carried the Stars and Stripes at Hazleton, now a committeeman who has always taken a subordinate part in the work, asks to be heard.

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