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At first she had tried to deny all knowledge of M. le Marquis' whereabouts. "I can assure M. le Commissaire that I do not know," she had persisted quietly, even though her heart was beating so rapidly in her bosom that she felt as if she must choke. "Call me citizen Commissary," Lebel had riposted curtly.

My sudden possession of wealth my prospects at Callonby still undecided my scrape at the Salon my late interview with Miss Bingham, in which I had only stopped short of a proposal to marry, were almost sufficient to occupy any reasonable mind; and so I was beginning to suspect, when the waiter informed me that the Commissaire of Police was in waiting below, and wished to speak to me.

This was a necessary precaution; for as he did not appear at supper, and Pipes, who usually attended him in his excursions, could give no account of his motions, the governor was dreadfully alarmed at his absence, and ordered his man to run in quest of his master to all the places which he used to frequent, while he himself went to the commissaire, and, communicating his suspicions, was accommodated with a party of the horse-guards, who patrolled round all the environs of the city, with a view of preventing the rencounter.

But M. le Commissaire de Police Mifroid would not have been quite so satisfied with himself if he had known that the rush of his rapid emissary was stopped at the entrance to the very first corridor. A tall figure blocked Raoul's way. "Where are you going so fast, M. de Chagny?" asked a voice. Raoul impatiently raised his eyes and recognized the astrakhan cap of an hour ago.

A hedge separated the garden of the villa from the road, and above the hedge rose a board with the words "To Let" upon it. At the gate a gendarme was standing, and just within the gate Ricardo saw Louis Besnard, the Commissaire, and Servettaz, Mme. Dauvray's chauffeur. "It is here," said Besnard, as the party descended from the cab, "in the coach-house of this empty villa."

A French commissaire in the squadron, who afterwards published his journal, tells that de Ternay a few days later asked the captain of one of the ships what English admiral he thought they had engaged, and received the reply, "We have lost our opportunity of finding out." He gives also many details of the talk that went on in the ships, which need not be repeated.

"Now," he continued, "feel your voice. Are you ready? Follow me!" The guitar twanged, and the two voices upraised, in harmony and with a startling loudness, the chorus of a song of old Béranger's: "Commissaire! Commissaire! Colin bat sa ménagère." The stones of Castel-le-Gâchis thrilled at this audacious innovation.

Entering Julia's chamber, her young friends found her in a swoon, from which the commissaire was assiduously endeavouring to recover her. A scene of a most painful character ensued.

"Yes, or receive one," added Hanaud, "which would be still more satisfactory for us supposing, of course, that she has anything to do with this affair"; and again he shrugged his shoulders. He turned towards the Commissaire. "You have a discreet officer whom you can trust?" he asked. "Certainly. A dozen." "I want only one." "And here he is," said the Commissaire. They were descending the stairs.

Testy and impatient, the commissioner decided that she should be taken back to her parents, but only on one condition: she must promise never to try it again. "Come, do you promise?" "Oh! yes, Monsieur." "You will never try again?" "Oh! no, indeed I will not, never never!" Notwithstanding her protestations, Monsieur le Commissaire de Police shook his head, as if he did not trust her oath.