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Only a Liliputian steamer could go up the "river" Cart! "Seestu" is a nickname for Paisley, the good folks of that busy town being in the habit of frequently interjecting, "Seestu?" i.e., "Seest thou?" in their familiar colloquies. "Tory" is said to be the Erse term for a robber. Halliwell's Nursery Rhymes of England, vol. iv. of Percy Society's publications.

Perhaps the crowning secret of Braun's remarkable success was his clear-headed avoidance of mixing up the details of his various schemes. Lilienthal knew nothing of Braun's whereabouts as to a real residence, and the colloquies and settlements of the two always took place in Lilienthal's little private office, proof against all eavesdroppers.

By the fifth day, Burley had really exhausted all that could well be said on his side of the question. Leonard, during these colloquies, had sat apart seemingly absorbed in reading, and secretly stung by Randal's disregard of his presence.

For unworthy though I be, I have conversed with them for these many years past, visiting and holding colloquies with them, and I have ever found them firm in the faith, and in deed effectual; wherefore let any man say what he will of them, but I say with Balaam: "Let me die the death of the Righteous, and let my last end be like theirs" but let us return to the purpose whence we have wandered.

Catherine the Great, in her colloquies with the nervous and hesitating Diderot, used to say, "Proceed; between men all is allowable." One may affirm of Miss Royden that she is at once a true woman and a great man.

Colloquies, i. 253. Colloquies, i. 171. Ibid. i. 178. Ibid. i. 169. Ibid. i. 167. Ibid. i. 170. Ibid. i. 194. Ibid. ii. 247. Colloquies, ii. 259. Ibid. i. 109. Ibid. ii. 105-7. Ibid. i. 106. Ibid. i. 47. Life and Correspondence, iv. 195; Selections, iii. 45. Colloquies, i. 62. Colloquies, i. 135. Ibid. ii. 147. Southey is here almost verbally following Burke's Reflections.

My father's pet book was the Colloquies of Erasmus; he was wont to say that those Colloquies furnished life with illustrations in every page. Out of the Colloquies of Erasmus he now answered the member. "Rabirius, wanting his servant Syrus to get up," quoth my father, "cried out to him to move. 'I do move, said Syrus.

Thus rendered communicative, their colloquies would travel back into the past, and as the veterans of intrigue fought their battles over again, the most experienced would learn things that made them open their eyes with amazement. "Ah!" they would hear, "that is just where you were mistaken. You had bought Eromenus, but so had I, and old Nicephorus had outbid us both."

If by day she exulted in a haunted chamber, in the evening she paid for it by terrors at walking about the house alone, and, when sent on an errand by my mother, looked piteous enough to be laughed at or scolded on all sides. The gentlemen had more serious colloquies, and the upshot was a determination to sit up together and discover the origin of the annoyance. Mr.

It seemed to look round with a lordly air upon its old hereditary domain, whose stillness was no longer broken by the tap of the martial drum, nor the discordant clang of arms; and, as the breeze whispered among its branches, it seemed to be holding friendly colloquies with a few of its venerable contemporaries, who stooped from the opposite bank of the pool, nodding gravely now and then, and gazing at themselves with a sigh in the mirror below....